500+ Adjectives That Start with Letter H

Adjectives Starting with H

Are you looking for adjectives beginning with H? Here is a list of descriptive adjectives, positive adjectives, negative adjectives, personality adjectives, and adjectives used to describe a person.

What is called an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Nouns are words that name a place, a person, a thing, or an idea. An adjective is a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it.

List of All Adjectives That Beginning With H

List of adjectives that starting with the letter H

  1. Habilimented
  2. Habitable
  3. Habited
  4. Habitual
  5. Hackneyed
  6. Hadal
  7. Hadean
  8. Haemal
  9. Haematal
  10. Haematic
  11. Haematogenic
  12. Haematological
  13. Haematopoietic
  14. Haemic
  15. Haemolytic
  16. Haemophilic
  17. Haemopoietic
  18. Haemorrhagic
  19. Haggard
  20. Hagridden
  21. Haired
  22. Hairless
  23. Hairlike
  24. Hairsplitting
  25. Hairy
  26. Haitian
  27. Halal
  28. Halcyon
  29. Hale
  30. Half
  31. Halfhearted
  32. Halfway
  33. Hallowed
  34. Hallucinating
  35. Hallucinatory
  36. Hallucinogenic
  37. Halt
  38. Halting
  39. Hammered
  40. Hammy
  41. Handed
  42. Handelian
  43. Handheld
  44. Handicapped
  45. Handled
  46. Handleless
  47. Handless
  48. Handmade
  49. Handsewn
  50. Handsome
  51. Handstitched
  52. Handwoven
  53. Handwritten
  54. Handy
  55. Hangdog
  56. Hanoverian
  57. Haphazard
  58. Hapless
  59. Haploid
  60. Haploidic
  61. Happy
  62. Haptic
  63. Harassed
  64. Hard
  65. Hardback
  66. Hardbacked
  67. Hardbound
  68. Hardcore
  69. Hardcover
  70. Hardened
  71. Hardfisted
  72. Hardheaded
  73. Hardhearted
  74. Hardline
  75. Hardscrabble
  76. Hardworking
  77. Hardy
  78. Harebrained
  79. Harmful
  80. Harmless
  81. Harmonic
  82. Harmonical
  83. Harmonious
  84. Harmonised
  85. Harmonizable
  86. Harmonized
  87. Harnessed
  88. Harried
  89. Harrowing
  90. Harsh
  91. Hasidic
  92. Hassidic
  93. Hastate
  94. Hasty
  95. Hatched
  96. Hated
  97. Hateful
  98. Hatless
  99. Hatted
  100. Haughty
  101. Haunted
  102. Haunting
  103. Hawaiian
  104. Hawkish
  105. Haywire
  106. Hazardous
  107. Hazel
  108. Hazy
  109. Headed
  110. Headfirst
  111. Headless
  112. Headlike
  113. Headlong
  114. Headstrong
  115. Heady
  116. Healed
  117. Healing
  118. Healthful
  119. Healthier
  120. Healthy
  121. Hearable
  122. Heard
  123. Hearing
  124. Hearsay
  125. Heartbreaking
  126. Heartbroken
  127. Heartening
  128. Heartfelt
  129. Heartless
  130. Heartrending
  131. Heartsick
  132. Heartwarming
  133. Hearty
  134. Heatable
  135. Heated
  136. Heathen
  137. Heathenish
  138. Heathlike
  139. Heatless
  140. Heavenly
  141. Heavenward
  142. Heavy
  143. Heavyhearted
  144. Heavyset
  145. Hebdomadal
  146. Hebdomadary
  147. Hebephrenic
  148. Hebraic
  149. Hebraical
  150. Hebrew
  151. Hebridean
  152. Hectic
  153. Hedged
  154. Hedonic
  155. Hedonistic
  156. Heedful
  157. Heedless
  158. Hefty
  159. Hegelian
  160. Heightening
  161. Heinous
  162. Held
  163. Heliac
  164. Heliacal
  165. Helical
  166. Heliocentric
  167. Hellenic
  168. Hellenistic
  169. Hellenistical
  170. Hellish
  171. Helmeted
  172. Helminthic
  173. Helpful
  174. Helpless
  175. Hemal
  176. Hematal
  177. Hematic
  178. Hematogenic
  179. Hematologic
  180. Hematological
  181. Hematopoietic
  182. Hemic
  183. Hemimetabolic
  184. Hemimetabolous
  185. Hemimetamorphic
  186. Hemimetamorphous
  187. Hemingwayesque
  188. Hemiparasitic
  189. Hemispheric
  190. Hemispherical
  191. Hemodynamic
  192. Hemolytic
  193. Hemophilic
  194. Hemopoietic
  195. Hemorrhagic
  196. Hemostatic
  197. Hempen
  198. Henpecked
  199. Hep
  200. Hepatic
  201. Hepatotoxic
  202. Heralded
  203. Heraldic
  204. Heraldist
  205. Herbaceous
  206. Herbal
  207. Herbivorous
  208. Herculean
  209. Here
  210. Hereditary
  211. Heretical
  212. Heritable
  213. Hermaphrodite
  214. Hermaphroditic
  215. Hermeneutic
  216. Hermetic
  217. Hermitic
  218. Hermitical
  219. Heroic
  220. Heroical
  221. Hertzian
  222. Hesitant
  223. Hesitating
  224. Hesperian
  225. Het
  226. Heterocercal
  227. Heterocyclic
  228. Heterodactyl
  229. Heterodox
  230. Heterodyne
  231. Heteroecious
  232. Heterogeneous
  233. Heterogenous
  234. Heteroicous
  235. Heterologic
  236. Heterological
  237. Heterologous
  238. Heterometabolic
  239. Heterometabolous
  240. Heterosexual
  241. Heterosporous
  242. Heterothermic
  243. Heterotrophic
  244. Heterozygous
  245. Heuristic
  246. Hewn
  247. Hex
  248. Hexadecimal
  249. Hexagonal
  250. Hexangular
  251. Hexed
  252. Hibernal
  253. Hibernating
  254. Hick
  255. Hidden
  256. Hidebound
  257. Hideous
  258. Hidrotic
  259. Hiemal
  260. Hierarchal
  261. Hierarchic
  262. Hierarchical
  263. Hieratic
  264. Hieratical
  265. Hieroglyphic
  266. Hieroglyphical
  267. Hifalutin
  268. High
  269. Highborn
  270. Highbrow
  271. Highbrowed
  272. Higher
  273. Highfalutin
  274. Highfaluting
  275. Highflying
  276. Highland
  277. Hilar
  278. Hilarious
  279. Hilly
  280. Himalayan
  281. Hind
  282. Hinder
  283. Hindering
  284. Hindermost
  285. Hindi
  286. Hindmost
  287. Hindoo
  288. Hindu
  289. Hindustani
  290. Hip
  291. Hiplength
  292. Hipless
  293. Hipped
  294. Hippocratic
  295. Hircine
  296. Hired
  297. Hirsute
  298. Hispanic
  299. Hispaniolan
  300. Hispid
  301. Histologic
  302. Histological
  303. Historic
  304. Historical
  305. Historied
  306. Histrionic
  307. Hitlerian
  308. Hitless
  309. Hittite
  310. Hoar
  311. Hoarse
  312. Hoary
  313. Hobnailed
  314. Hogged
  315. Hoggish
  316. Hokey
  317. Holey
  318. Holistic
  319. Hollow
  320. Hollywood
  321. Holographic
  322. Holographical
  323. Holometabolic
  324. Holometabolous
  325. Holophytic
  326. Holozoic
  327. Holy
  328. Home
  329. Homebound
  330. Homegrown
  331. Homeless
  332. Homelike
  333. Homely
  334. Homemade
  335. Homeopathic
  336. Homeostatic
  337. Homeothermic
  338. Homeric
  339. Homesick
  340. Homespun
  341. Homeward
  342. Homey
  343. Homicidal
  344. Homiletic
  345. Homiletical
  346. Hominal
  347. Homing
  348. Hominian
  349. Hominid
  350. Hominine
  351. Homocentric
  352. Homocercal
  353. Homochromatic
  354. Homocyclic
  355. Homoecious
  356. Homoerotic
  357. Homogeneous
  358. Homogenised
  359. Homogenized
  360. Homogenous
  361. Homoiothermic
  362. Homologic
  363. Homological
  364. Homologous
  365. Homonymic
  366. Homonymous
  367. Homophile
  368. Homophobic
  369. Homophonic
  370. Homophonous
  371. Homosexual
  372. Homosporous
  373. Homostyled
  374. Homostylic
  375. Homostylous
  376. Homothermic
  377. Homozygous
  378. Homy
  379. Honduran
  380. Honest
  381. Honey
  382. Honeycombed
  383. Honeyed
  384. Honeylike
  385. Honied
  386. Honorable
  387. Honorary
  388. Honored
  389. Honorific
  390. Honourable
  391. Hoofed
  392. Hooflike
  393. Hooked
  394. Hooklike
  395. Hooved
  396. Hopeful
  397. Hopeless
  398. Horary
  399. Horizontal
  400. Hormonal
  401. Horned
  402. Hornless
  403. Hornlike
  404. Horny
  405. Horrendous
  406. Horrible
  407. Horrid
  408. Horrific
  409. Horrified
  410. Horrifying
  411. Hortative
  412. Hortatory
  413. Horticultural
  414. Hospitable
  415. Hostile
  416. Hot
  417. Hotheaded
  418. Hottish
  419. Hourlong
  420. Hourly
  421. Housebound
  422. Housebroken
  423. Housewifely
  424. Howling
  425. Hoydenish
  426. Huddled
  427. Hueless
  428. Huffish
  429. Huffy
  430. Huge
  431. Hugoesque
  432. Hulking
  433. Hulky
  434. Human
  435. Humane
  436. Humanist
  437. Humanistic
  438. Humanitarian
  439. Humanlike
  440. Humble
  441. Humbled
  442. Humbling
  443. Humdrum
  444. Humic
  445. Humid
  446. Humified
  447. Humiliated
  448. Humiliating
  449. Humongous
  450. Humoral
  451. Humorless
  452. Humorous
  453. Humourless
  454. Humourous
  455. Humpbacked
  456. Humped
  457. Hunchbacked
  458. Hunched
  459. Hundred
  460. Hundredth
  461. Hungarian
  462. Hungry
  463. Hunted
  464. Hurried
  465. Hurrying
  466. Hurt
  467. Hurtful
  468. Husbandly
  469. Hushed
  470. Husky
  471. Huxleian
  472. Huxleyan
  473. Hyaline
  474. Hyaloid
  475. Hyaloplasmic
  476. Hybrid
  477. Hydrated
  478. Hydraulic
  479. Hydric
  480. Hydrocephalic
  481. Hydrodynamic
  482. Hydroelectric
  483. Hydrographic
  484. Hydrographical
  485. Hydrokinetic
  486. Hydrolyzable
  487. Hydrometric
  488. Hydropathic
  489. Hydrophilic
  490. Hydrophobic
  491. Hydrophytic
  492. Hydroponic
  493. Hydrostatic
  494. Hydrous
  495. Hydroxy
  496. Hygienic
  497. Hygienical
  498. Hygrophytic
  499. Hygroscopic
  500. Hymenal

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List of Adjectives That Start with Letter A to Z

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