500+ Adjectives That Start with Letter P

Adjectives Starting with P

Are you looking for adjectives beginning with P? Here is a list of descriptive adjectives, positive adjectives, negative adjectives, personality adjectives, and adjectives used to describe a person.

What is called an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Nouns are words that name a place, a person, a thing, or an idea. An adjective is a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it.

List of All Adjectives That Beginning With P

List of adjectives that starting with the letter P

  1. Pachydermal
  2. Pachydermatous
  3. Pachydermic
  4. Pachydermous
  5. Pacific
  6. Pacifist
  7. Pacifistic
  8. Packable
  9. Packaged
  10. Packed
  11. Padded
  12. Paederastic
  13. Paediatric
  14. Pagan
  15. Paid
  16. Pained
  17. Painful
  18. Painless
  19. Painstaking
  20. Paintable
  21. Painted
  22. Painterly
  23. Paired
  24. Pakistani
  25. Palaeolithic
  26. Palaeontological
  27. Palatable
  28. Palatal
  29. Palatalised
  30. Palatalized
  31. Palatial
  32. Palatine
  33. Palatoglossal
  34. Pale
  35. Paleoanthropological
  36. Paleocortical
  37. Paleolithic
  38. Paleontological
  39. Paleozoic
  40. Palestinian
  41. Palingenetic
  42. Palish
  43. Palladian
  44. Palliative
  45. Pallid
  46. Pally
  47. Palmar
  48. Palmate
  49. Palmatifid
  50. Palmlike
  51. Palmy
  52. Palpable
  53. Palpatory
  54. Palpebrate
  55. Palpitant
  56. Palpitating
  57. Palsied
  58. Paltry
  59. Pampering
  60. Panamanian
  61. Pancreatic
  62. Pandemic
  63. Pandurate
  64. Panduriform
  65. Panegyric
  66. Panegyrical
  67. Paneled
  68. Panhellenic
  69. Panicked
  70. Panicky
  71. Panicled
  72. Paniculate
  73. Panoplied
  74. Panoptic
  75. Panoptical
  76. Panoramic
  77. Pantalooned
  78. Pantheist
  79. Pantheistic
  80. Pantropic
  81. Pantropical
  82. Papal
  83. Paperback
  84. Paperbacked
  85. Paperlike
  86. Papery
  87. Papillary
  88. Papillate
  89. Papilliform
  90. Papillose
  91. Papist
  92. Papistic
  93. Papistical
  94. Pappose
  95. Papuan
  96. Parabolic
  97. Parabolical
  98. Paraboloidal
  99. Paradigmatic
  100. Paradisaic
  101. Paradisaical
  102. Paradisal
  103. Paradisiac
  104. Paradisiacal
  105. Paradoxical
  106. Paraguayan
  107. Parallel
  108. Paralytic
  109. Paralytical
  110. Paralyzed
  111. Paramagnetic
  112. Paramedical
  113. Parametric
  114. Paramilitary
  115. Paramount
  116. Paranasal
  117. Paranoid
  118. Paranormal
  119. Paraphrastic
  120. Paraplegic
  121. Parapsychological
  122. Parasitic
  123. Parasitical
  124. Parasiticidal
  125. Parasympathetic
  126. Parasympathomimetic
  127. Parched
  128. Pardonable
  129. Parental
  130. Parented
  131. Parenteral
  132. Parenthetic
  133. Parenthetical
  134. Parentless
  135. Pareve
  136. Parheliacal
  137. Parhelic
  138. Parietal
  139. Paripinnate
  140. Parisian
  141. Parked
  142. Parky
  143. Parliamentary
  144. Parlous
  145. Parochial
  146. Paroicous
  147. Parotid
  148. Parous
  149. Paroxysmal
  150. Parrotlike
  151. Parsimonious
  152. Parted
  153. Parthenogenetic
  154. Parthian
  155. Partial
  156. Partible
  157. Participating
  158. Participatory
  159. Participial
  160. Particolored
  161. Particoloured
  162. Particular
  163. Particularised
  164. Particularistic
  165. Particularized
  166. Particulate
  167. Partisan
  168. Partitive
  169. Partizan
  170. Parturient
  171. Parve
  172. Parvenu
  173. Parvenue
  174. Paschal
  175. Pass
  176. Passable
  177. Passant
  178. Passe
  179. Passee
  180. Passerine
  181. Passing
  182. Passionate
  183. Passionless
  184. Passive
  185. Past
  186. Pasted
  187. Pastel
  188. Pastelike
  189. Pasteurian
  190. Pasteurised
  191. Pasteurized
  192. Pastoral
  193. Pasty
  194. Pat
  195. Patched
  196. Patchy
  197. Patellar
  198. Patelliform
  199. Patent
  200. Patented
  201. Paternal
  202. Paternalistic
  203. Pathetic
  204. Pathless
  205. Pathogenic
  206. Pathologic
  207. Pathological
  208. Patient
  209. Patriarchal
  210. Patriarchic
  211. Patricentric
  212. Patrician
  213. Patrilineal
  214. Patrilinear
  215. Patrimonial
  216. Patriotic
  217. Patristic
  218. Patristical
  219. Patronised
  220. Patronising
  221. Patronized
  222. Patronizing
  223. Patronless
  224. Patronymic
  225. Patterned
  226. Pauline
  227. Paunchy
  228. Paved
  229. Pavlovian
  230. Pawky
  231. Payable
  232. Paying
  233. Peaceable
  234. Peaceful
  235. Peacekeeping
  236. Peachy
  237. Peaked
  238. Peaky
  239. Peanut
  240. Pearlescent
  241. Pearly
  242. Peaty
  243. Pebbly
  244. Peccable
  245. Peccant
  246. Peckish
  247. Pectic
  248. Pectinate
  249. Pectineal
  250. Pectoral
  251. Peculiar
  252. Pecuniary
  253. Pedagogic
  254. Pedagogical
  255. Pedal
  256. Pedantic
  257. Pedate
  258. Pederastic
  259. Pedestrian
  260. Pediatric
  261. Pedigree
  262. Pedigreed
  263. Pedunculate
  264. Peeled
  265. Peerless
  266. Peeved
  267. Peevish
  268. Pejorative
  269. Pelagic
  270. Pelecypod
  271. Pelecypodous
  272. Pellucid
  273. Peloponnesian
  274. Peltate
  275. Pelvic
  276. Pemphigous
  277. Penal
  278. Penciled
  279. Pencilled
  280. Pendant
  281. Pendent
  282. Pending
  283. Pendulous
  284. Penetrable
  285. Penetrating
  286. Penetrative
  287. Penial
  288. Penile
  289. Peninsular
  290. Penitent
  291. Penitential
  292. Penitentiary
  293. Pennate
  294. Penniless
  295. Pensionable
  296. Pensive
  297. Pent
  298. Pentagonal
  299. Pentamerous
  300. Pentangular
  301. Pentasyllabic
  302. Pentatonic
  303. Pentavalent
  304. Pentecostal
  305. Penultimate
  306. Penumbral
  307. Penurious
  308. Peopled
  309. Peppery
  310. Peppy
  311. Peptic
  312. Perambulating
  313. Perceivable
  314. Perceived
  315. Perceptible
  316. Perceptive
  317. Perceptual
  318. Percipient
  319. Percussive
  320. Percutaneous
  321. Perdurable
  322. Peregrine
  323. Peremptory
  324. Perennial
  325. Perfect
  326. Perfected
  327. Perfectible
  328. Perfervid
  329. Perfidious
  330. Perfoliate
  331. Perforate
  332. Perforated
  333. Perfumed
  334. Perfunctory
  335. Perianal
  336. Pericardiac
  337. Pericardial
  338. Perigonal
  339. Perilous
  340. Perinasal
  341. Perinatal
  342. Perineal
  343. Periodic
  344. Periodical
  345. Periodontal
  346. Periodontic
  347. Peripatetic
  348. Peripheral
  349. Periphrastic
  350. Peripteral
  351. Perirhinal
  352. Perishable
  353. Peristylar
  354. Perithelial
  355. Peritoneal
  356. Peritrichous
  357. Periwigged
  358. Perky
  359. Permanent
  360. Permeable
  361. Permeant
  362. Permeating
  363. Permeative
  364. Permed
  365. Permissible
  366. Permissive
  367. Permutable
  368. Pernicious
  369. Pernickety
  370. Peroneal
  371. Perpendicular
  372. Perpetual
  373. Perplexed
  374. Perplexing
  375. Persevering
  376. Persian
  377. Persistent
  378. Persisting
  379. Persnickety
  380. Personable
  381. Personal
  382. Personalised
  383. Personalized
  384. Perspicacious
  385. Perspicuous
  386. Persuadable
  387. Persuasible
  388. Persuasive
  389. Pert
  390. Pertinacious
  391. Pertinent
  392. Perturbed
  393. Perturbing
  394. Peruked
  395. Peruvian
  396. Pervasive
  397. Perverse
  398. Perversive
  399. Perverted
  400. Pervious
  401. Pesky
  402. Pessimal
  403. Pessimistic
  404. Pessimum
  405. Pestered
  406. Pestering
  407. Pestiferous
  408. Pestilent
  409. Pestilential
  410. Pet
  411. Petaled
  412. Petalled
  413. Petalless
  414. Petallike
  415. Petaloid
  416. Petalous
  417. Petite
  418. Petitionary
  419. Petrifying
  420. Petrous
  421. Petticoated
  422. Pettish
  423. Petty
  424. Petulant
  425. Phagocytic
  426. Phalangeal
  427. Phallic
  428. Phantasmagoric
  429. Phantasmagorical
  430. Phantasmal
  431. Phantom
  432. Pharaonic
  433. Pharisaic
  434. Pharisaical
  435. Pharmaceutic
  436. Pharmaceutical
  437. Pharmacologic
  438. Pharmacological
  439. Pharyngeal
  440. Phenomenal
  441. Phenotypic
  442. Phenotypical
  443. Philanthropic
  444. Philatelic
  445. Philatelical
  446. Philharmonic
  447. Philhellene
  448. Philhellenic
  449. Philippine
  450. Philistine
  451. Philological
  452. Philosophic
  453. Philosophical
  454. Phlegmatic
  455. Phlegmatical
  456. Phlegmy
  457. Phobic
  458. Phocine
  459. Phoenician
  460. Phonemic
  461. Phonetic
  462. Phoney
  463. Phonic
  464. Phonogramic
  465. Phonologic
  466. Phonological
  467. Phony
  468. Phosphorescent
  469. Phosphoric
  470. Phosphorous
  471. Photic
  472. Photochemical
  473. Photoconductive
  474. Photoelectric
  475. Photoelectrical
  476. Photoemissive
  477. Photogenic
  478. Photographic
  479. Photomechanical
  480. Photometric
  481. Photometrical
  482. Photosensitive
  483. Photosynthetic
  484. Photovoltaic
  485. Phrasal
  486. Phreatic
  487. Phrenetic
  488. Phrenic
  489. Phrenological
  490. Phyletic
  491. Phylliform
  492. Phyllodial
  493. Phylogenetic
  494. Physical
  495. Physicochemical
  496. Physiologic
  497. Physiological
  498. Physiotherapeutic
  499. Phytophagic
  500. Phytophagous

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List of Adjectives That Start with Letter A to Z

Looking for more adjectives? Here are some more adjectives that starting with letters A to Z will help you out: