In This Article
Are you looking for adjectives beginning with R? Here is a list of descriptive adjectives, positive adjectives, negative adjectives, personality adjectives, and adjectives used to describe a person.
What is called an adjective?
An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Nouns are words that name a place, a person, a thing, or an idea. An adjective is a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it.
List of All Adjectives That Beginning With R
List of adjectives that starting with the letter R
- Rabbinic
- Rabbinical
- Rabelaisian
- Rabid
- Racemose
- Rachitic
- Racial
- Racist
- Rackety
- Racking
- Racy
- Raddled
- Radial
- Radiant
- Radiate
- Radiating
- Radical
- Radio
- Radioactive
- Radiographic
- Radiological
- Radiolucent
- Radiopaque
- Radiophonic
- Radiosensitive
- Radiotelephonic
- Raffish
- Raftered
- Ragged
- Raging
- Raiding
- Raimentless
- Raining
- Rainless
- Rainproof
- Rainy
- Raisable
- Raiseable
- Raised
- Raising
- Rakish
- Rallentando
- Rallying
- Ramate
- Rambling
- Rambunctious
- Ramose
- Ramous
- Rampageous
- Rampant
- Ramshackle
- Rancid
- Rancorous
- Random
- Randomised
- Randomized
- Randy
- Ranging
- Rangy
- Rank
- Ranked
- Ranking
- Ransacked
- Ransomed
- Rapacious
- Raped
- Rapid
- Rapt
- Raptorial
- Rapturous
- Rare
- Rarefied
- Rarified
- Raring
- Rascally
- Rash
- Rasping
- Raspy
- Rastafarian
- Ratable
- Rateable
- Ratified
- Ratiocinative
- Rational
- Rationalist
- Rationalistic
- Rationed
- Ratlike
- Rattlebrained
- Rattled
- Rattlepated
- Rattling
- Ratty
- Raucous
- Raunchy
- Ravaged
- Ravaging
- Ravening
- Ravenous
- Ravishing
- Raw
- Rawboned
- Rayless
- Razed
- Razorback
- Reachable
- Reactionary
- Reactionist
- Reactive
- Readable
- Ready
- Real
- Realised
- Realistic
- Realizable
- Realized
- Reanimated
- Rear
- Rearing
- Rearmost
- Rearward
- Reasonable
- Reasoned
- Reasoning
- Reasonless
- Reassured
- Reassuring
- Rebarbative
- Rebellious
- Reborn
- Recalcitrant
- Receding
- Receivable
- Received
- Recent
- Receptive
- Recessed
- Recessional
- Recessionary
- Recessive
- Rechargeable
- Recherche
- Reciprocal
- Reciprocative
- Reciprocatory
- Reckless
- Reclaimable
- Reclaimed
- Recluse
- Reclusive
- Recognisable
- Recognised
- Recognizable
- Recognized
- Recoilless
- Recollective
- Recombinant
- Reconcilable
- Reconciled
- Reconciling
- Recondite
- Reconstructed
- Reconstructive
- Recorded
- Recoverable
- Recovered
- Recovering
- Recreant
- Recreational
- Recriminative
- Recriminatory
- Recrudescent
- Rectal
- Rectangular
- Rectifiable
- Rectified
- Rectilineal
- Rectilinear
- Rectosigmoid
- Recumbent
- Recuperative
- Recurrent
- Recurring
- Recursive
- Recurvate
- Recurved
- Recusant
- Recyclable
- Red
- Redbrick
- Reddened
- Reddish
- Redeemable
- Redeemed
- Redeeming
- Redemptional
- Redemptive
- Redemptory
- Redheaded
- Redistributed
- Redolent
- Redoubled
- Redoubtable
- Reduced
- Reducible
- Reductionist
- Reductive
- Redundant
- Redux
- Reechoing
- Reedlike
- Reedy
- Reefy
- Reeking
- Reentrant
- Referable
- Referenced
- Referent
- Referential
- Refined
- Reflected
- Reflecting
- Reflective
- Reflex
- Reflexed
- Reflexive
- Reformable
- Reformative
- Reformatory
- Reformed
- Reformist
- Refractile
- Refractive
- Refractory
- Refreshed
- Refreshful
- Refreshing
- Refrigerant
- Refrigerated
- Refrigerating
- Refulgent
- Refutable
- Regal
- Regardant
- Regardful
- Regardless
- Regenerate
- Regenerating
- Regent
- Regimental
- Regimented
- Regional
- Registered
- Regnant
- Regressive
- Regretful
- Regrettable
- Regular
- Regulated
- Regulation
- Regulative
- Regulatory
- Rehabilitative
- Reigning
- Reincarnate
- Reinforced
- Reinvigorated
- Reiterative
- Rejected
- Rejective
- Rejoicing
- Related
- Relational
- Relative
- Relativistic
- Relaxant
- Relaxed
- Relaxing
- Releasing
- Relentless
- Relevant
- Reliable
- Reliant
- Relieved
- Religious
- Relinquished
- Relocated
- Reluctant
- Remaining
- Remarkable
- Rembrandtesque
- Remediable
- Remedial
- Remindful
- Reminiscent
- Remiss
- Remittent
- Remorseful
- Remorseless
- Remote
- Removable
- Removed
- Remunerated
- Remunerative
- Renal
- Renascent
- Rending
- Renegade
- Renewable
- Renewed
- Renewing
- Reniform
- Renowned
- Rentable
- Rental
- Renunciant
- Renunciative
- Reorganised
- Reorganized
- Repand
- Reparable
- Repayable
- Repeatable
- Repeated
- Repellant
- Repellent
- Repelling
- Repentant
- Repetitious
- Repetitive
- Replaceable
- Replete
- Reportable
- Reported
- Reposeful
- Reprehensible
- Representable
- Representational
- Representative
- Represented
- Repressed
- Repressing
- Repressive
- Reproachful
- Reprobate
- Reproducible
- Reproductive
- Reproving
- Reptilian
- Republican
- Repudiative
- Repugnant
- Repulsive
- Reputable
- Requested
- Required
- Requisite
- Rescindable
- Rescued
- Resentful
- Reserved
- Resettled
- Resident
- Residential
- Residual
- Residuary
- Resilient
- Resinated
- Resinlike
- Resinous
- Resiny
- Resistant
- Resistible
- Resistive
- Resistless
- Resolute
- Resolvable
- Resolved
- Resonant
- Resonating
- Resounding
- Resourceful
- Resourceless
- Respectable
- Respected
- Respectful
- Respective
- Respiratory
- Resplendent
- Respondent
- Responsible
- Responsive
- Rested
- Restful
- Restive
- Restless
- Restorative
- Restrained
- Restricted
- Restricting
- Restrictive
- Resultant
- Resupine
- Resurgent
- Resuscitated
- Retained
- Retaliative
- Retaliatory
- Retarded
- Retentive
- Reticent
- Reticular
- Reticulate
- Retinal
- Retired
- Retiring
- Retractable
- Retracted
- Retractile
- Retral
- Retributive
- Retributory
- Retrievable
- Retro
- Retroactive
- Retroflex
- Retroflexed
- Retrograde
- Retrogressive
- Retrorse
- Retrospective
- Retrousse
- Returnable
- Returning
- Reusable
- Revealing
- Revelatory
- Revenant
- Revengeful
- Reverberant
- Reverberating
- Reverberative
- Revered
- Reverend
- Reverent
- Reverential
- Reverse
- Reversed
- Reversible
- Reversionary
- Reversive
- Revertible
- Reverting
- Revised
- Revitalised
- Revitalising
- Revitalized
- Revitalizing
- Revivalistic
- Revived
- Reviving
- Revocable
- Revokable
- Revolting
- Revolutionary
- Revolved
- Rewardful
- Rewarding
- Rhapsodic
- Rhenish
- Rheologic
- Rheological
- Rhetorical
- Rheumatic
- Rheumatoid
- Rheumy
- Rhinal
- Rhizoidal
- Rhizomatous
- Rhodesian
- Rhombic
- Rhombohedral
- Rhomboid
- Rhomboidal
- Rhymed
- Rhymeless
- Rhyming
- Rhythmic
- Rhythmical
- Riant
- Ribald
- Ribbed
- Ribbonlike
- Ribbony
- Ribless
- Riblike
- Rich
- Rickettsial
- Rickety
- Riddled
We hope you have found the popular adjectives from our collection of word finder directory.
List of Adjectives That Start with Letter A to Z
Looking for more adjectives? Here are some more adjectives that starting with letters A to Z will help you out: