500+ Adjectives That Start with Letter R

Adjectives Starting with R

Are you looking for adjectives beginning with R? Here is a list of descriptive adjectives, positive adjectives, negative adjectives, personality adjectives, and adjectives used to describe a person.

What is called an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Nouns are words that name a place, a person, a thing, or an idea. An adjective is a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it.

List of All Adjectives That Beginning With R

List of adjectives that starting with the letter R

  1. Rabbinic
  2. Rabbinical
  3. Rabelaisian
  4. Rabid
  5. Racemose
  6. Rachitic
  7. Racial
  8. Racist
  9. Rackety
  10. Racking
  11. Racy
  12. Raddled
  13. Radial
  14. Radiant
  15. Radiate
  16. Radiating
  17. Radical
  18. Radio
  19. Radioactive
  20. Radiographic
  21. Radiological
  22. Radiolucent
  23. Radiopaque
  24. Radiophonic
  25. Radiosensitive
  26. Radiotelephonic
  27. Raffish
  28. Raftered
  29. Ragged
  30. Raging
  31. Raiding
  32. Raimentless
  33. Raining
  34. Rainless
  35. Rainproof
  36. Rainy
  37. Raisable
  38. Raiseable
  39. Raised
  40. Raising
  41. Rakish
  42. Rallentando
  43. Rallying
  44. Ramate
  45. Rambling
  46. Rambunctious
  47. Ramose
  48. Ramous
  49. Rampageous
  50. Rampant
  51. Ramshackle
  52. Rancid
  53. Rancorous
  54. Random
  55. Randomised
  56. Randomized
  57. Randy
  58. Ranging
  59. Rangy
  60. Rank
  61. Ranked
  62. Ranking
  63. Ransacked
  64. Ransomed
  65. Rapacious
  66. Raped
  67. Rapid
  68. Rapt
  69. Raptorial
  70. Rapturous
  71. Rare
  72. Rarefied
  73. Rarified
  74. Raring
  75. Rascally
  76. Rash
  77. Rasping
  78. Raspy
  79. Rastafarian
  80. Ratable
  81. Rateable
  82. Ratified
  83. Ratiocinative
  84. Rational
  85. Rationalist
  86. Rationalistic
  87. Rationed
  88. Ratlike
  89. Rattlebrained
  90. Rattled
  91. Rattlepated
  92. Rattling
  93. Ratty
  94. Raucous
  95. Raunchy
  96. Ravaged
  97. Ravaging
  98. Ravening
  99. Ravenous
  100. Ravishing
  101. Raw
  102. Rawboned
  103. Rayless
  104. Razed
  105. Razorback
  106. Reachable
  107. Reactionary
  108. Reactionist
  109. Reactive
  110. Readable
  111. Ready
  112. Real
  113. Realised
  114. Realistic
  115. Realizable
  116. Realized
  117. Reanimated
  118. Rear
  119. Rearing
  120. Rearmost
  121. Rearward
  122. Reasonable
  123. Reasoned
  124. Reasoning
  125. Reasonless
  126. Reassured
  127. Reassuring
  128. Rebarbative
  129. Rebellious
  130. Reborn
  131. Recalcitrant
  132. Receding
  133. Receivable
  134. Received
  135. Recent
  136. Receptive
  137. Recessed
  138. Recessional
  139. Recessionary
  140. Recessive
  141. Rechargeable
  142. Recherche
  143. Reciprocal
  144. Reciprocative
  145. Reciprocatory
  146. Reckless
  147. Reclaimable
  148. Reclaimed
  149. Recluse
  150. Reclusive
  151. Recognisable
  152. Recognised
  153. Recognizable
  154. Recognized
  155. Recoilless
  156. Recollective
  157. Recombinant
  158. Reconcilable
  159. Reconciled
  160. Reconciling
  161. Recondite
  162. Reconstructed
  163. Reconstructive
  164. Recorded
  165. Recoverable
  166. Recovered
  167. Recovering
  168. Recreant
  169. Recreational
  170. Recriminative
  171. Recriminatory
  172. Recrudescent
  173. Rectal
  174. Rectangular
  175. Rectifiable
  176. Rectified
  177. Rectilineal
  178. Rectilinear
  179. Rectosigmoid
  180. Recumbent
  181. Recuperative
  182. Recurrent
  183. Recurring
  184. Recursive
  185. Recurvate
  186. Recurved
  187. Recusant
  188. Recyclable
  189. Red
  190. Redbrick
  191. Reddened
  192. Reddish
  193. Redeemable
  194. Redeemed
  195. Redeeming
  196. Redemptional
  197. Redemptive
  198. Redemptory
  199. Redheaded
  200. Redistributed
  201. Redolent
  202. Redoubled
  203. Redoubtable
  204. Reduced
  205. Reducible
  206. Reductionist
  207. Reductive
  208. Redundant
  209. Redux
  210. Reechoing
  211. Reedlike
  212. Reedy
  213. Reefy
  214. Reeking
  215. Reentrant
  216. Referable
  217. Referenced
  218. Referent
  219. Referential
  220. Refined
  221. Reflected
  222. Reflecting
  223. Reflective
  224. Reflex
  225. Reflexed
  226. Reflexive
  227. Reformable
  228. Reformative
  229. Reformatory
  230. Reformed
  231. Reformist
  232. Refractile
  233. Refractive
  234. Refractory
  235. Refreshed
  236. Refreshful
  237. Refreshing
  238. Refrigerant
  239. Refrigerated
  240. Refrigerating
  241. Refulgent
  242. Refutable
  243. Regal
  244. Regardant
  245. Regardful
  246. Regardless
  247. Regenerate
  248. Regenerating
  249. Regent
  250. Regimental
  251. Regimented
  252. Regional
  253. Registered
  254. Regnant
  255. Regressive
  256. Regretful
  257. Regrettable
  258. Regular
  259. Regulated
  260. Regulation
  261. Regulative
  262. Regulatory
  263. Rehabilitative
  264. Reigning
  265. Reincarnate
  266. Reinforced
  267. Reinvigorated
  268. Reiterative
  269. Rejected
  270. Rejective
  271. Rejoicing
  272. Related
  273. Relational
  274. Relative
  275. Relativistic
  276. Relaxant
  277. Relaxed
  278. Relaxing
  279. Releasing
  280. Relentless
  281. Relevant
  282. Reliable
  283. Reliant
  284. Relieved
  285. Religious
  286. Relinquished
  287. Relocated
  288. Reluctant
  289. Remaining
  290. Remarkable
  291. Rembrandtesque
  292. Remediable
  293. Remedial
  294. Remindful
  295. Reminiscent
  296. Remiss
  297. Remittent
  298. Remorseful
  299. Remorseless
  300. Remote
  301. Removable
  302. Removed
  303. Remunerated
  304. Remunerative
  305. Renal
  306. Renascent
  307. Rending
  308. Renegade
  309. Renewable
  310. Renewed
  311. Renewing
  312. Reniform
  313. Renowned
  314. Rentable
  315. Rental
  316. Renunciant
  317. Renunciative
  318. Reorganised
  319. Reorganized
  320. Repand
  321. Reparable
  322. Repayable
  323. Repeatable
  324. Repeated
  325. Repellant
  326. Repellent
  327. Repelling
  328. Repentant
  329. Repetitious
  330. Repetitive
  331. Replaceable
  332. Replete
  333. Reportable
  334. Reported
  335. Reposeful
  336. Reprehensible
  337. Representable
  338. Representational
  339. Representative
  340. Represented
  341. Repressed
  342. Repressing
  343. Repressive
  344. Reproachful
  345. Reprobate
  346. Reproducible
  347. Reproductive
  348. Reproving
  349. Reptilian
  350. Republican
  351. Repudiative
  352. Repugnant
  353. Repulsive
  354. Reputable
  355. Requested
  356. Required
  357. Requisite
  358. Rescindable
  359. Rescued
  360. Resentful
  361. Reserved
  362. Resettled
  363. Resident
  364. Residential
  365. Residual
  366. Residuary
  367. Resilient
  368. Resinated
  369. Resinlike
  370. Resinous
  371. Resiny
  372. Resistant
  373. Resistible
  374. Resistive
  375. Resistless
  376. Resolute
  377. Resolvable
  378. Resolved
  379. Resonant
  380. Resonating
  381. Resounding
  382. Resourceful
  383. Resourceless
  384. Respectable
  385. Respected
  386. Respectful
  387. Respective
  388. Respiratory
  389. Resplendent
  390. Respondent
  391. Responsible
  392. Responsive
  393. Rested
  394. Restful
  395. Restive
  396. Restless
  397. Restorative
  398. Restrained
  399. Restricted
  400. Restricting
  401. Restrictive
  402. Resultant
  403. Resupine
  404. Resurgent
  405. Resuscitated
  406. Retained
  407. Retaliative
  408. Retaliatory
  409. Retarded
  410. Retentive
  411. Reticent
  412. Reticular
  413. Reticulate
  414. Retinal
  415. Retired
  416. Retiring
  417. Retractable
  418. Retracted
  419. Retractile
  420. Retral
  421. Retributive
  422. Retributory
  423. Retrievable
  424. Retro
  425. Retroactive
  426. Retroflex
  427. Retroflexed
  428. Retrograde
  429. Retrogressive
  430. Retrorse
  431. Retrospective
  432. Retrousse
  433. Returnable
  434. Returning
  435. Reusable
  436. Revealing
  437. Revelatory
  438. Revenant
  439. Revengeful
  440. Reverberant
  441. Reverberating
  442. Reverberative
  443. Revered
  444. Reverend
  445. Reverent
  446. Reverential
  447. Reverse
  448. Reversed
  449. Reversible
  450. Reversionary
  451. Reversive
  452. Revertible
  453. Reverting
  454. Revised
  455. Revitalised
  456. Revitalising
  457. Revitalized
  458. Revitalizing
  459. Revivalistic
  460. Revived
  461. Reviving
  462. Revocable
  463. Revokable
  464. Revolting
  465. Revolutionary
  466. Revolved
  467. Rewardful
  468. Rewarding
  469. Rhapsodic
  470. Rhenish
  471. Rheologic
  472. Rheological
  473. Rhetorical
  474. Rheumatic
  475. Rheumatoid
  476. Rheumy
  477. Rhinal
  478. Rhizoidal
  479. Rhizomatous
  480. Rhodesian
  481. Rhombic
  482. Rhombohedral
  483. Rhomboid
  484. Rhomboidal
  485. Rhymed
  486. Rhymeless
  487. Rhyming
  488. Rhythmic
  489. Rhythmical
  490. Riant
  491. Ribald
  492. Ribbed
  493. Ribbonlike
  494. Ribbony
  495. Ribless
  496. Riblike
  497. Rich
  498. Rickettsial
  499. Rickety
  500. Riddled

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List of Adjectives That Start with Letter A to Z

Looking for more adjectives? Here are some more adjectives that starting with letters A to Z will help you out: