In This Article
Are you looking for adjectives beginning with T? Here is a list of descriptive adjectives, positive adjectives, negative adjectives, personality adjectives, and adjectives used to describe a person.
What is called an adjective?
An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Nouns are words that name a place, a person, a thing, or an idea. An adjective is a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it.
List of All Adjectives That Beginning With T
List of adjectives that starting with the letter T
- Tabby
- Taboo
- Tabu
- Tabular
- Tacit
- Taciturn
- Tacky
- Tactful
- Tactical
- Tactile
- Tactless
- Tactual
- Tagged
- Tahitian
- Tai
- Tailed
- Tailless
- Taillike
- Tailored
- Tainted
- Taiwanese
- Tajikistani
- Taken
- Takeout
- Taking
- Talebearing
- Talented
- Talentless
- Taliped
- Talismanic
- Talkative
- Talky
- Tall
- Tallish
- Taloned
- Tamable
- Tame
- Tameable
- Tamed
- Tamil
- Tan
- Tangential
- Tangerine
- Tangible
- Tangled
- Tangy
- Tanned
- Tannic
- Tannish
- Tantalising
- Tantalizing
- Tantamount
- Tantric
- Tantrik
- Tanzanian
- Taoist
- Taped
- Tapered
- Tapering
- Tapestried
- Tapped
- Tardive
- Tardy
- Tarry
- Tarsal
- Tart
- Tartarean
- Tartaric
- Tasmanian
- Tasseled
- Tasselled
- Tasteful
- Tasteless
- Tasty
- Tatterdemalion
- Tattered
- Tattling
- Tatty
- Taunting
- Taupe
- Taurine
- Taut
- Tautologic
- Tautological
- Tawdry
- Tawny
- Taxable
- Taxing
- Taxonomic
- Taxonomical
- Taxpaying
- Teachable
- Teal
- Tearaway
- Tearful
- Tearing
- Tearless
- Teary
- Teased
- Teasing
- Technical
- Technological
- Technophilic
- Technophobic
- Techy
- Tectonic
- Tedious
- Teeming
- Teen
- Teenage
- Teenaged
- Teensy
- Teentsy
- Teeny
- Teetotal
- Tegular
- Telegnostic
- Telegraphic
- Telemetered
- Teleological
- Telepathic
- Telephonic
- Telescoped
- Telescopic
- Telling
- Telltale
- Tellurian
- Telluric
- Telocentric
- Temerarious
- Temperamental
- Temperate
- Tempered
- Tempering
- Tempestuous
- Temporal
- Temporary
- Temptable
- Tempting
- Ten
- Tenable
- Tenacious
- Tenanted
- Tendencious
- Tendentious
- Tender
- Tenderhearted
- Tenderised
- Tenderized
- Tending
- Tendinous
- Tenebrific
- Tenebrious
- Tenebrous
- Tenfold
- Tenor
- Tense
- Tensed
- Tensile
- Tensional
- Tensionless
- Tentacled
- Tentacular
- Tentative
- Tenth
- Tenuous
- Tenured
- Tepid
- Teratogenic
- Terefah
- Terete
- Terminable
- Terminal
- Terminated
- Terminative
- Terminological
- Ternary
- Ternate
- Terpsichorean
- Terrene
- Terrestrial
- Terrible
- Terrific
- Terrified
- Terrifying
- Territorial
- Terse
- Tertian
- Tertiary
- Tessellated
- Testaceous
- Testamentary
- Testate
- Tested
- Testicular
- Testimonial
- Testy
- Tetanic
- Tetchy
- Tethered
- Tetragonal
- Tetramerous
- Tetrametric
- Tetravalent
- Teutonic
- Texan
- Textbook
- Textile
- Textual
- Textured
- Thai
- Thalamocortical
- Thalassic
- Thalloid
- Thallophytic
- Thankful
- Thankless
- Thawed
- Theatrical
- Theban
- Theist
- Theistic
- Theistical
- Thematic
- Then
- Thenal
- Thenar
- Theocratic
- Theological
- Theoretic
- Theoretical
- Theosophical
- Therapeutic
- Therapeutical
- Thermal
- Thermic
- Thermionic
- Thermodynamic
- Thermodynamical
- Thermoelectric
- Thermoelectrical
- Thermogravimetric
- Thermohydrometric
- Thermolabile
- Thermometric
- Thermonuclear
- Thermoplastic
- Thermoset
- Thermosetting
- Thermostatic
- Thespian
- Thick
- Thickened
- Thickening
- Thickheaded
- Thickset
- Thickspread
- Thieving
- Thievish
- Thin
- Thinkable
- Thinking
- Thinned
- Third
- Thirdhand
- Thirsty
- Thirteen
- Thirteenth
- Thirtieth
- Thirty
- Thistlelike
- Thoracic
- Thoreauvian
- Thoriated
- Thornless
- Thorny
- Thorough
- Thoroughbred
- Thoroughgoing
- Thoughtful
- Thoughtless
- Thousand
- Thousandth
- Thracian
- Threadbare
- Threaded
- Threadlike
- Thready
- Threatened
- Threatening
- Three
- Threefold
- Threepenny
- Threescore
- Thriftless
- Thrifty
- Thrilled
- Thrillful
- Thrilling
- Thriving
- Throated
- Throaty
- Throbbing
- Thrombosed
- Thronged
- Through
- Throwaway
- Throwback
- Thrown
- Thudding
- Thumbed
- Thumping
- Thundering
- Thunderous
- Thunderstruck
- Thundery
- Thwarted
- Thwarting
- Thwartwise
- Thyroid
- Thyroidal
- Thyrotoxic
- Tibetan
- Tibial
- Tickling
- Ticklish
- Tidal
- Tiddly
- Tidy
- Tied
- Tiered
- Tigerish
- Tight
- Tightfisted
- Tightfitting
- Tightlipped
- Tiled
- Tillable
- Tilled
- Tilted
- Timbered
- Timed
- Timeless
- Timely
- Timeserving
- Timeworn
- Timid
- Timorese
- Timorous
- Tined
- Tingling
- Tinkling
- Tinkly
- Tinned
- Tinny
- Tinpot
- Tinseled
- Tinselly
- Tiny
- Tipped
- Tippy
- Tipsy
- Tiptoe
- Tiptop
- Tired
- Tireless
- Tiresome
- Tiring
- Titanic
- Titillated
- Titillating
- Titled
- Tittering
- Titular
- Titulary
- Toadyish
- Toasted
- Tobagonian
- Tod
- Toed
- Toeless
- Together
- Togged
- Togolese
- Toiling
- Toilsome
- Token
- Tokenish
- Tolerable
- Tolerant
- Tomboyish
- Tomentose
- Tomentous
- Tonal
- Toned
- Toneless
- Tongan
- Tongued
- Tongueless
- Tonguelike
- Tonic
- Tonsorial
- Tonsured
- Toothed
- Toothless
- Toothlike
- Toothsome
- Toothy
- Top
- Topical
- Topknotted
- Topless
- Topmost
- Topnotch
- Topographic
- Topographical
- Topologic
- Topological
- Topped
- Topping
- Tops
- Tormented
- Torn
- Toroidal
- Torpid
- Torrential
- Torrid
- Tortious
- Tortuous
- Tortured
- Torturesome
- Torturing
- Torturous
- Torulose
- Total
- Totaled
- Totalistic
- Totalitarian
- Totemic
- Totipotent
- Tottering
- Tottery
- Touchable
- Touched
- Touching
- Touchy
- Tough
- Toughened
- Toupeed
- Touristed
- Touristy
- Tousled
- Towering
- Towheaded
- Toxic
- Toxicant
- Toxicologic
- Toxicological
- Trabeate
- Trabeated
- Trabecular
- Trabeculate
- Traceable
- Tracheal
- Trackable
- Tracked
- Trackless
- Tractable
- Tractile
- Tractive
- Trademarked
- Traditional
- Traditionalist
- Traditionalistic
- Tragic
- Tragical
- Tragicomic
- Tragicomical
- Trained
- Traitorous
- Tralatitious
- Tramontane
- Trancelike
- Tranquil
- Tranquilising
- Tranquilizing
- Tranquillising
- Tranquillizing
- Transactinide
- Transalpine
- Transatlantic
- Transcendent
- Transcendental
- Transcontinental
- Transcribed
- Transcultural
- Transcutaneous
- Transdermal
- Transdermic
- Transeunt
We hope you have found the popular adjectives from our collection of word finder directory.
List of Adjectives That Start with Letter A to Z
Looking for more adjectives? Here are some more adjectives that starting with letters A to Z will help you out: