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Last Updated on February 9, 2021 by Team FinderWheel
List of Animals Names That Starting with the Letter B
Check out a full alphabetical list of popular animal names that begin with B letter for toddlers, preschoolers and kids. Learn about all kinds of different animal names starting with the letter B with the help of BuyingJunction’s Animal Names Finder.
Alphabetical List of Animals that Begin With B
- Baboon
- Bactrian Camel
- Badger
- Balinese
- Banded Palm Civet
- Bandicoot
- Barb
- Barn Owl
- Barnacle
- Barracuda
- Basenji Dog
- Basking Shark
- Basset Hound
- Bat
- Bavarian Mountain Hound
- Beagle
- Bear
- Bearded Collie
- Bearded Dragon
- Beaver
- Bedlington Terrier
- Beetle
- Bengal Tiger
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Bichon Frise
- Binturong
- Bird
- Birds Of Paradise
- Birman
- Bison
- Black Rhinoceros
- Black Russian Terrier
- Black Widow Spider
- Blobfish
- Bloodhound
- Blue Lacy Dog
- Blue Whale
- Bluetick Coonhound
- Bobcat
- Bolognese Dog
- Bombay
- Bongo
- Bonobo
- Booby
- Border Collie
- Border Terrier
- Bornean Orang-utan
- Borneo Elephant
- Boston Terrier
- Bottlenose Dolphin
- Boxer Dog
- Boykin Spaniel
- Brazilian Terrier
- Brown Bear
- Budgerigar
- Buffalo
- Bull Mastiff
- Bull Shark
- Bull Terrier
- Bulldog
- Bullfrog
- Bumble Bee
- Burmese
- Burrowing Frog
- Butterfly
- Butterfly Fish
- Black-tailed deer
- Black-tailed prairie dog
- Black-tailed tree creeper
- Black-throated butcher bird
- Black-throated cardinal
- Black-winged stilt
- Blackbird, red-winged
- Blackbuck
- Blackish oystercatcher
- Blacksmith plover
- Bleeding heart monkey
- Blesbok
- Bleu, blue-breasted cordon
- Bleu, red-cheeked cordon
- Blue and gold macaw
- Blue and yellow macaw
- Blue catfish
- Blue crane
- Blue duck
- Blue fox
- Blue peacock
- Blue racer
- Blue shark
- Blue waxbill
- Blue wildebeest
- Blue-breasted cordon bleu
- Blue-faced booby
- Blue-footed booby
- Blue-tongued lizard
- Blue-tongued skink
- Boa, columbian rainbow
- Boa, cook’s tree
- Boa, emerald green tree
- Boa, malagasy ground
- Boa, mexican
- Boar, wild
- Boat-billed heron
- Bohor reedbuck
- Bonnet macaque
- Bontebok
- Booby, blue-faced
- Booby, blue-footed
- Booby, masked
- Bottle-nose dolphin
- Boubou, southern
- Brazilian otter
- Brazilian tapir
- Brindled gnu
- Brocket, brown
- Brocket, red
- Brolga crane
- Brown and yellow marshbird
- Brown antechinus
- Brown brocket
- Brown capuchin
- Brown hyena
- Brown lemur
- Brown pelican
- Brush-tailed bettong
- Brush-tailed phascogale
- Brush-tailed rat kangaroo
- Buffalo, african
- Buffalo, american
- Buffalo, asian water
- Buffalo, wild water
- Bulbul, african red-eyed
- Bulbul, black-eyed
- Bulbul, black-fronted
- Bunting, crested
- Burchell’s gonolek
- Burmese black mountain tortoise
- Burmese brown mountain tortoise
- Burrowing owl
- Bush dog
- Bushbaby, large-eared
- Bushbuck
- Bushpig
- Bustard, denham’s
- Bustard, kori
- Bustard, stanley
- Butterfly
- Butterfly, canadian tiger swallowtail
- Butterfly, tropical buckeye
- Buttermilk snake
- Babirusa
- baboon
- Badger
- Bald Eagle
- bandicoot
- Barn Owl
- Basilisk
- Basking Shark
- Bat
- Bear
- Bearded Dragon
- Beaver
- Bee
- Beluga Whale
- bilby
- bison
- Black Bear
- Black Howler Monkey
- Blue Crab
- Blue Shark
- Blue Whale
- Bluebird
- Bongo
- Buffalo
- Buzzard
- Baer’s wood mouse
- Bagobo rat
- Bahaman funnel-eared bat
- Bahaman raccoon
- Bahamian hutia
- Bahia hairy dwarf porcupine
- baiji
- Bailey’s pocket mouse
- Bailey’s shrew
- Baird’s beaked whale
- Baird’s shrew
- Baird’s tapir
- Baja California rock squirrel
- bale shrew
- Balikun jerboa
- Baluchi mouse-like hamster
- Baluchistan gerbil
- Baluchistan pygmy jerboa
- Baluchistan vole
- bamboo lemur
- banana bat
- banana climbing mouse
- banded hare-wallaby
- banded leaf monkey
- banded linsang
- banded mongoose
- Bangs’s mountain squirrel
- bank vole
- Banks flying fox
- banner-tailed kangaroo rat
- banteng
- Baoule’s mouse
- barasingha
- Barbados raccoon
- Barbary ground squirrel
- Barbary macaque
- Barbary striped grass mouse
- Barbour’s rock mouse
- bare-backed rousette
- bare-bellied hedgehog
- bare-eared squirrel monkey
- bare-tailed woolly opossum
- Barfur gerbil
- barren ground shrew
- Bartel’s flying squirrel
- Bartels’s rat
- Bartels’s spiny rat
- bastard big-footed mouse
- bat-eared fox
- Bate’s slit-faced bat
- Bates’s shrew
- Bavarian pine vole
- Bawean deer
- bay cat
- bay duiker
- beach vole
- beaded wood mouse
- beady-eyed mouse
- bear cuscus
- bearded pig
- bearded seal
- Beaufort’s naked-backed fruit bat
- Beccari’s margareta rat
- Beccari’s mastiff bat
- Beccari’s sheath-tailed bat
- Beccari’s shrew
- Bechstein’s bat
- Beddard’s olingo
- beech marten
- beira
- Belding’s ground squirrel
- bell groove-toothed swamp rat
- Bellier’s striped grass mouse
- beluga
- Bengal fox
- Bengal mongoose
- Benito roundleaf bat
- Bennett’s tree kangaroo
- Berbera gerbil
- Bering collared lemming
- Betsileo short-tailed rat
- bharal
- Bhutan giant flying squirrel
- Biafran palm squirrel
- Biak naked-backed fruit bat
- Biak roundleaf bat
- bicolor-spined porcupine
- bicolored arboreal rice rat
- bicolored roundleaf bat
- bicolored shrew
- bidentate yellow-eared bat
- bidentate yellow-shouldered bat
- big bonneted bat
- big brown bat
- big crested mastiff bat
- big deer mouse
- big free-tailed bat
- big naked-backed bat
- big pocket gopher
- big red bat
- big small-eared shrew
- big-eared brown bat
- big-eared climbing rat
- big-eared flying fox
- big-eared hopping mouse
- big-eared horseshoe bat
- big-eared mastiff bat
- big-eared opossum
- big-eared roundleaf bat
- big-eared swamp rat
- big-eared woolly bat
- big-footed myotis
- big-headed mole rat
- big-headed rice rat
- bighorn sheep
- bilby or greater bilby
- Bini free-tailed bat
- birdlike noctule
- Bishop’s fossorial spiny rat
- Bismarck giant rat
- Bismarck’s trumpet-eared bat
- biting chinchilla mouse
- black agouti
- black and red bush squirrel
- black and rufous elephant shrew
- black bonneted bat
- black colobus
- black dolphin
- black dorcopsis
- black duiker
- black flying fox
- black flying squirrel
- black four-eyed opossum
- black giant squirrel
- black howler monkey
- black jackrabbit
- black lemur
- black mastiff bat
- black muntjac
- black myotis
- Black Sea field mouse
- black shrew
- black slender mongoose
- black spider monkey
- black squirrel monkey
- black uakari
- black wallaroo
- black white-toothed shrew
- black wildebeest or white-tailed gnu
- black-backed jackal
- black-bearded flying fox
- black-bearded tomb bat
- black-bellied fruit bat
- black-bellied hamster
- black-capped fruit bat
- black-capped marmot
- black-cheeked white-nosed monkey
- black-chested mustached tamarin
- black-clawed brush-furred rat
- black-eared flying fox
- black-eared mouse
- black-eared rice rat
- black-eared squirrel
- black-faced lion tamarin
- black-footed cat
- black-footed ferret
- black-footed mongoose
- black-footed pygmy rice rat
- black-footed rock wallaby
- black-footed shrew
- black-footed tree rat
- black-fronted duiker
- black-headed night monkey
- black-lipped pika
- black-mantled tamarin
- black-pencilled marmoset
- black-rumped agouti
- black-shouldered opossum
- black-spined Atlantic tree rat
- black-spotted cuscus
- black-striped squirrel
- black-striped wallaby
- black-striped weasel
- black-tailed antechinus
- black-tailed gerbil
- black-tailed hutia
- black-tailed jackrabbit
- black-tailed mosaic-tailed rat
- black-tailed mouse
- black-tailed tree rat
- black-tufted gerbil
- black-winged little yellow bat
- blackish deer mouse
- blackish grass mouse
- blackish shrew opossum
- blackish small-eared shrew
- Blainville’s beaked whale
- Blandford’s fox
- Blanford’s bat
- Blanford’s fruit bat
- Blanford’s jerboa
- Blanford’s rat
- Blasius’s horseshoe bat
- blazed Luzon shrew rat
- blesbok or bontebok
- blesmoles
- Blick’s grass rat
- blue buck
- blue duiker
- blue monkey
- blue-gray mouse
- blunt-eared bat
- Blyth’s horseshoe bat
- Blyth’s vole
- Bobak marmot
- Bobrinski’s jerboa
- Bobrinski’s serotine
- Bocage’s mole rat
- Bocage’s rock rat
- Boehm’s bush squirrel
- Boehm’s gerbil
- Bogota grass mouse
- Bogota yellow-shouldered bat
- Bohar reedbuck
- Bokermann’s nectar bat
- Bolam’s mouse
- Bolaños woodrat
- Bolivar rice rat
- Bolivian bamboo rat
- Bolivian big-eared mouse
- Bolivian chinchilla rat
- Bolivian grass mouse
- Bolivian red howler monkey
- Bolivian spiny rat
- Bolivian squirrel
- Bolivian squirrel monkey
- Bolivian titi
- Bolivian tuco-tuco
- Bolivian vesper mouse
- Bonda mastiff bat
- Bonetto’s tuco-tuco
- Bonin flying fox
- bonobo or pygmy chimpanzee
- Bonthain rat
- booted macaque
- booted titi
- Boquete rice rat
- Bornean horseshoe bat
- Bornean mountain ground squirrel
- Bornean smooth-tailed tree shrew
- Bornean yellow muntjac
- Borneo black-banded squirrel
- Borneo gibbon
- Borneo roundleaf bat
- boto
- Botswanan long-eared bat
- Botta’s gerbil
- Botta’s pocket gopher
- Botta’s serotine
- Bottego’s shrew
- bottlenosed dolphin
- Bougainville monkey-faced bat
- Bougainville mosaic-tailed rat
- Bougainville naked-tailed rat
- Bourret’s horseshoe bat
- Bower’s white-toothed rat
- bowhead
- Boyaca spiny rat
- Brahma white-bellied rat
- Bramble Cay mosaic-tailed rat
- Brandt’s bat
- Brandt’s hamster
- Brandt’s hedgehog
- Brandt’s vole
- Brant’s climbing mouse
- Brants’s whistling rat
- Brazilian agouti
- Brazilian arboreal mouse
- Brazilian arboreal rice rat
- Brazilian bare-faced tamarin
- Brazilian big-eyed bat
- Brazilian brown bat
- Brazilian false rice rat
- Brazilian free-tailed bat
- Brazilian gracile mouse opossum
- Brazilian guinea pig
- Brazilian porcupine
- Brazilian pygmy rice rat
- Brazilian shrew mouse
- Brazilian spiny tree rat
- Brazilian tapir or South American tapir
- Brazilian three-banded armadillo
- Brazilian tuco-tuco
- Bridges’s degu
- bridled nail-tailed wallaby
- bristle-spined rat
- bristly mouse
- broad-eared bat
- broad-eared horseshoe bat
- broad-faced potoroo
- broad-footed climbing mouse
- broad-footed mole
- broad-headed spiny rat
- broad-headed tree mouse
- broad-striped dasyure
- broad-striped mongoose
- broad-striped tube-nosed fruit bat
- broad-toothed field mouse
- broad-toothed mouse
- broad-toothed tailless bat
- Brock’s yellow-eared bat
- Brockman’s gerbil
- bronze quoll
- bronze tube-nosed bat
- Brooke’s squirrel
- broom hare
- brown big-eared bat
- brown cane mouse
- brown deer mouse
- brown desert mouse
- brown dorcopsis
- brown four-eyed opossum
- brown fruit-eating bat
- brown hairy dwarf porcupine
- brown lemming
- brown mastiff bat
- brown mouse lemur
- brown rat
- brown tent-making bat
- brown titi
- brown tube-nosed bat
- Brown’s hutia
- brown-bearded saki
- brown-tailed mongoose
- brown-throated three-toed sloth
- Brukkaros pygmy rock mouse
- brush mouse
- brush rabbit
- brush-tailed rabbit rat
- brush-tailed rock wallaby
- Bryant’s woodrat
- Bryde’s whale
- Bucharian vole
- Budin’s grass mouse
- Buenos Aires leaf-eared mouse
- Buettikofer’s epauletted bat
- Buettikofer’s shrew
- buff-bellied climbing mouse
- buffoon striped grass mouse
- buffy broad-nosed bat
- buffy flower bat
- buffy saki
- buffy-headed marmoset
- Bukovin mole rat
- bulldog rat
- Buller’s chipmunk
- Buller’s pocket gopher
- Bulmer’s fruit bat
- bumblee bat or hog-nosed bat
- bunchgrass leaf-eared mouse
- Bunker’s woodrat
- Bunn’s short-tailed bandicoot rat
- bunny rat
- Bunting’s thicket rat
- Bunyoro rabbit
- Burchell’s zebra
- Burmeister’s porpoise
- Burmese ferret-badger
- Burmese hare
- Burmese whiskered bat
- burrowing bettong
- Burt’s deer mouse
- Burton’s gerbil
- bush duiker
- bush vlei rat
- bushveld elephant shrew
- bushveld gerbil
- bushveld horseshoe bat
- bushy-tailed hairy-footed gerbil
- bushy-tailed jird
- bushy-tailed mongoose
- bushy-tailed opossum
- bushy-tailed woodrat
- Busuanga squirrel
- Butiaba naked-tailed shrew
- Buxton’s jird
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