Animal Names That Start with B

Animal Names That Start with B

Last Updated on February 9, 2021 by Team FinderWheel

List of Animals Names That Starting with the Letter B

Check out a full alphabetical list of popular animal names that begin with B letter for toddlers, preschoolers and  kids. Learn about all kinds of different animal names starting with the letter B with the help of BuyingJunction’s Animal Names Finder.

Alphabetical List of Animals that Begin With B

  1. Baboon
  2. Bactrian Camel
  3. Badger
  4. Balinese
  5. Banded Palm Civet
  6. Bandicoot
  7. Barb
  8. Barn Owl
  9. Barnacle
  10. Barracuda
  11. Basenji Dog
  12. Basking Shark
  13. Basset Hound
  14. Bat
  15. Bavarian Mountain Hound
  16. Beagle
  17. Bear
  18. Bearded Collie
  19. Bearded Dragon
  20. Beaver
  21. Bedlington Terrier
  22. Beetle
  23. Bengal Tiger
  24. Bernese Mountain Dog
  25. Bichon Frise
  26. Binturong
  27. Bird
  28. Birds Of Paradise
  29. Birman
  30. Bison
  31. Black Rhinoceros
  32. Black Russian Terrier
  33. Black Widow Spider
  34. Blobfish
  35. Bloodhound
  36. Blue Lacy Dog
  37. Blue Whale
  38. Bluetick Coonhound
  39. Bobcat
  40. Bolognese Dog
  41. Bombay
  42. Bongo
  43. Bonobo
  44. Booby
  45. Border Collie
  46. Border Terrier
  47. Bornean Orang-utan
  48. Borneo Elephant
  49. Boston Terrier
  50. Bottlenose Dolphin
  51. Boxer Dog
  52. Boykin Spaniel
  53. Brazilian Terrier
  54. Brown Bear
  55. Budgerigar
  56. Buffalo
  57. Bull Mastiff
  58. Bull Shark
  59. Bull Terrier
  60. Bulldog
  61. Bullfrog
  62. Bumble Bee
  63. Burmese
  64. Burrowing Frog
  65. Butterfly
  66. Butterfly Fish
  67. Black-tailed deer
  68. Black-tailed prairie dog
  69. Black-tailed tree creeper
  70. Black-throated butcher bird
  71. Black-throated cardinal
  72. Black-winged stilt
  73. Blackbird, red-winged
  74. Blackbuck
  75. Blackish oystercatcher
  76. Blacksmith plover
  77. Bleeding heart monkey
  78. Blesbok
  79. Bleu, blue-breasted cordon
  80. Bleu, red-cheeked cordon
  81. Blue and gold macaw
  82. Blue and yellow macaw
  83. Blue catfish
  84. Blue crane
  85. Blue duck
  86. Blue fox
  87. Blue peacock
  88. Blue racer
  89. Blue shark
  90. Blue waxbill
  91. Blue wildebeest
  92. Blue-breasted cordon bleu
  93. Blue-faced booby
  94. Blue-footed booby
  95. Blue-tongued lizard
  96. Blue-tongued skink
  97. Boa, columbian rainbow
  98. Boa, cook’s tree
  99. Boa, emerald green tree
  100. Boa, malagasy ground
  101. Boa, mexican
  102. Boar, wild
  103. Boat-billed heron
  104. Bohor reedbuck
  105. Bonnet macaque
  106. Bontebok
  107. Booby, blue-faced
  108. Booby, blue-footed
  109. Booby, masked
  110. Bottle-nose dolphin
  111. Boubou, southern
  112. Brazilian otter
  113. Brazilian tapir
  114. Brindled gnu
  115. Brocket, brown
  116. Brocket, red
  117. Brolga crane
  118. Brown and yellow marshbird
  119. Brown antechinus
  120. Brown brocket
  121. Brown capuchin
  122. Brown hyena
  123. Brown lemur
  124. Brown pelican
  125. Brush-tailed bettong
  126. Brush-tailed phascogale
  127. Brush-tailed rat kangaroo
  128. Buffalo, african
  129. Buffalo, american
  130. Buffalo, asian water
  131. Buffalo, wild water
  132. Bulbul, african red-eyed
  133. Bulbul, black-eyed
  134. Bulbul, black-fronted
  135. Bunting, crested
  136. Burchell’s gonolek
  137. Burmese black mountain tortoise
  138. Burmese brown mountain tortoise
  139. Burrowing owl
  140. Bush dog
  141. Bushbaby, large-eared
  142. Bushbuck
  143. Bushpig
  144. Bustard, denham’s
  145. Bustard, kori
  146. Bustard, stanley
  147. Butterfly
  148. Butterfly, canadian tiger swallowtail
  149. Butterfly, tropical buckeye
  150. Buttermilk snake
  151. Babirusa
  152. baboon
  153. Badger
  154. Bald Eagle
  155. bandicoot
  156. Barn Owl
  157. Basilisk
  158. Basking Shark
  159. Bat
  160. Bear
  161. Bearded Dragon
  162. Beaver
  163. Bee
  164. Beluga Whale
  165. bilby
  166. bison
  167. Black Bear
  168. Black Howler Monkey
  169. Blue Crab
  170. Blue Shark
  171. Blue Whale
  172. Bluebird
  173. Bongo
  174. Buffalo
  175. Buzzard
  176. Baer’s wood mouse
  177. Bagobo rat
  178. Bahaman funnel-eared bat
  179. Bahaman raccoon
  180. Bahamian hutia
  181. Bahia hairy dwarf porcupine
  182. baiji
  183. Bailey’s pocket mouse
  184. Bailey’s shrew
  185. Baird’s beaked whale
  186. Baird’s shrew
  187. Baird’s tapir
  188. Baja California rock squirrel
  189. bale shrew
  190. Balikun jerboa
  191. Baluchi mouse-like hamster
  192. Baluchistan gerbil
  193. Baluchistan pygmy jerboa
  194. Baluchistan vole
  195. bamboo lemur
  196. banana bat
  197. banana climbing mouse
  198. banded hare-wallaby
  199. banded leaf monkey
  200. banded linsang
  201. banded mongoose
  202. Bangs’s mountain squirrel
  203. bank vole
  204. Banks flying fox
  205. banner-tailed kangaroo rat
  206. banteng
  207. Baoule’s mouse
  208. barasingha
  209. Barbados raccoon
  210. Barbary ground squirrel
  211. Barbary macaque
  212. Barbary striped grass mouse
  213. Barbour’s rock mouse
  214. bare-backed rousette
  215. bare-bellied hedgehog
  216. bare-eared squirrel monkey
  217. bare-tailed woolly opossum
  218. Barfur gerbil
  219. barren ground shrew
  220. Bartel’s flying squirrel
  221. Bartels’s rat
  222. Bartels’s spiny rat
  223. bastard big-footed mouse
  224. bat-eared fox
  225. Bate’s slit-faced bat
  226. Bates’s shrew
  227. Bavarian pine vole
  228. Bawean deer
  229. bay cat
  230. bay duiker
  231. beach vole
  232. beaded wood mouse
  233. beady-eyed mouse
  234. bear cuscus
  235. bearded pig
  236. bearded seal
  237. Beaufort’s naked-backed fruit bat
  238. Beccari’s margareta rat
  239. Beccari’s mastiff bat
  240. Beccari’s sheath-tailed bat
  241. Beccari’s shrew
  242. Bechstein’s bat
  243. Beddard’s olingo
  244. beech marten
  245. beira
  246. Belding’s ground squirrel
  247. bell groove-toothed swamp rat
  248. Bellier’s striped grass mouse
  249. beluga
  250. Bengal fox
  251. Bengal mongoose
  252. Benito roundleaf bat
  253. Bennett’s tree kangaroo
  254. Berbera gerbil
  255. Bering collared lemming
  256. Betsileo short-tailed rat
  257. bharal
  258. Bhutan giant flying squirrel
  259. Biafran palm squirrel
  260. Biak naked-backed fruit bat
  261. Biak roundleaf bat
  262. bicolor-spined porcupine
  263. bicolored arboreal rice rat
  264. bicolored roundleaf bat
  265. bicolored shrew
  266. bidentate yellow-eared bat
  267. bidentate yellow-shouldered bat
  268. big bonneted bat
  269. big brown bat
  270. big crested mastiff bat
  271. big deer mouse
  272. big free-tailed bat
  273. big naked-backed bat
  274. big pocket gopher
  275. big red bat
  276. big small-eared shrew
  277. big-eared brown bat
  278. big-eared climbing rat
  279. big-eared flying fox
  280. big-eared hopping mouse
  281. big-eared horseshoe bat
  282. big-eared mastiff bat
  283. big-eared opossum
  284. big-eared roundleaf bat
  285. big-eared swamp rat
  286. big-eared woolly bat
  287. big-footed myotis
  288. big-headed mole rat
  289. big-headed rice rat
  290. bighorn sheep
  291. bilby or greater bilby
  292. Bini free-tailed bat
  293. birdlike noctule
  294. Bishop’s fossorial spiny rat
  295. Bismarck giant rat
  296. Bismarck’s trumpet-eared bat
  297. biting chinchilla mouse
  298. black agouti
  299. black and red bush squirrel
  300. black and rufous elephant shrew
  301. black bonneted bat
  302. black colobus
  303. black dolphin
  304. black dorcopsis
  305. black duiker
  306. black flying fox
  307. black flying squirrel
  308. black four-eyed opossum
  309. black giant squirrel
  310. black howler monkey
  311. black jackrabbit
  312. black lemur
  313. black mastiff bat
  314. black muntjac
  315. black myotis
  316. Black Sea field mouse
  317. black shrew
  318. black slender mongoose
  319. black spider monkey
  320. black squirrel monkey
  321. black uakari
  322. black wallaroo
  323. black white-toothed shrew
  324. black wildebeest or white-tailed gnu
  325. black-backed jackal
  326. black-bearded flying fox
  327. black-bearded tomb bat
  328. black-bellied fruit bat
  329. black-bellied hamster
  330. black-capped fruit bat
  331. black-capped marmot
  332. black-cheeked white-nosed monkey
  333. black-chested mustached tamarin
  334. black-clawed brush-furred rat
  335. black-eared flying fox
  336. black-eared mouse
  337. black-eared rice rat
  338. black-eared squirrel
  339. black-faced lion tamarin
  340. black-footed cat
  341. black-footed ferret
  342. black-footed mongoose
  343. black-footed pygmy rice rat
  344. black-footed rock wallaby
  345. black-footed shrew
  346. black-footed tree rat
  347. black-fronted duiker
  348. black-headed night monkey
  349. black-lipped pika
  350. black-mantled tamarin
  351. black-pencilled marmoset
  352. black-rumped agouti
  353. black-shouldered opossum
  354. black-spined Atlantic tree rat
  355. black-spotted cuscus
  356. black-striped squirrel
  357. black-striped wallaby
  358. black-striped weasel
  359. black-tailed antechinus
  360. black-tailed gerbil
  361. black-tailed hutia
  362. black-tailed jackrabbit
  363. black-tailed mosaic-tailed rat
  364. black-tailed mouse
  365. black-tailed tree rat
  366. black-tufted gerbil
  367. black-winged little yellow bat
  368. blackish deer mouse
  369. blackish grass mouse
  370. blackish shrew opossum
  371. blackish small-eared shrew
  372. Blainville’s beaked whale
  373. Blandford’s fox
  374. Blanford’s bat
  375. Blanford’s fruit bat
  376. Blanford’s jerboa
  377. Blanford’s rat
  378. Blasius’s horseshoe bat
  379. blazed Luzon shrew rat
  380. blesbok or bontebok
  381. blesmoles
  382. Blick’s grass rat
  383. blue buck
  384. blue duiker
  385. blue monkey
  386. blue-gray mouse
  387. blunt-eared bat
  388. Blyth’s horseshoe bat
  389. Blyth’s vole
  390. Bobak marmot
  391. Bobrinski’s jerboa
  392. Bobrinski’s serotine
  393. Bocage’s mole rat
  394. Bocage’s rock rat
  395. Boehm’s bush squirrel
  396. Boehm’s gerbil
  397. Bogota grass mouse
  398. Bogota yellow-shouldered bat
  399. Bohar reedbuck
  400. Bokermann’s nectar bat
  401. Bolam’s mouse
  402. Bolaños woodrat
  403. Bolivar rice rat
  404. Bolivian bamboo rat
  405. Bolivian big-eared mouse
  406. Bolivian chinchilla rat
  407. Bolivian grass mouse
  408. Bolivian red howler monkey
  409. Bolivian spiny rat
  410. Bolivian squirrel
  411. Bolivian squirrel monkey
  412. Bolivian titi
  413. Bolivian tuco-tuco
  414. Bolivian vesper mouse
  415. Bonda mastiff bat
  416. Bonetto’s tuco-tuco
  417. Bonin flying fox
  418. bonobo or pygmy chimpanzee
  419. Bonthain rat
  420. booted macaque
  421. booted titi
  422. Boquete rice rat
  423. Bornean horseshoe bat
  424. Bornean mountain ground squirrel
  425. Bornean smooth-tailed tree shrew
  426. Bornean yellow muntjac
  427. Borneo black-banded squirrel
  428. Borneo gibbon
  429. Borneo roundleaf bat
  430. boto
  431. Botswanan long-eared bat
  432. Botta’s gerbil
  433. Botta’s pocket gopher
  434. Botta’s serotine
  435. Bottego’s shrew
  436. bottlenosed dolphin
  437. Bougainville monkey-faced bat
  438. Bougainville mosaic-tailed rat
  439. Bougainville naked-tailed rat
  440. Bourret’s horseshoe bat
  441. Bower’s white-toothed rat
  442. bowhead
  443. Boyaca spiny rat
  444. Brahma white-bellied rat
  445. Bramble Cay mosaic-tailed rat
  446. Brandt’s bat
  447. Brandt’s hamster
  448. Brandt’s hedgehog
  449. Brandt’s vole
  450. Brant’s climbing mouse
  451. Brants’s whistling rat
  452. Brazilian agouti
  453. Brazilian arboreal mouse
  454. Brazilian arboreal rice rat
  455. Brazilian bare-faced tamarin
  456. Brazilian big-eyed bat
  457. Brazilian brown bat
  458. Brazilian false rice rat
  459. Brazilian free-tailed bat
  460. Brazilian gracile mouse opossum
  461. Brazilian guinea pig
  462. Brazilian porcupine
  463. Brazilian pygmy rice rat
  464. Brazilian shrew mouse
  465. Brazilian spiny tree rat
  466. Brazilian tapir or South American tapir
  467. Brazilian three-banded armadillo
  468. Brazilian tuco-tuco
  469. Bridges’s degu
  470. bridled nail-tailed wallaby
  471. bristle-spined rat
  472. bristly mouse
  473. broad-eared bat
  474. broad-eared horseshoe bat
  475. broad-faced potoroo
  476. broad-footed climbing mouse
  477. broad-footed mole
  478. broad-headed spiny rat
  479. broad-headed tree mouse
  480. broad-striped dasyure
  481. broad-striped mongoose
  482. broad-striped tube-nosed fruit bat
  483. broad-toothed field mouse
  484. broad-toothed mouse
  485. broad-toothed tailless bat
  486. Brock’s yellow-eared bat
  487. Brockman’s gerbil
  488. bronze quoll
  489. bronze tube-nosed bat
  490. Brooke’s squirrel
  491. broom hare
  492. brown big-eared bat
  493. brown cane mouse
  494. brown deer mouse
  495. brown desert mouse
  496. brown dorcopsis
  497. brown four-eyed opossum
  498. brown fruit-eating bat
  499. brown hairy dwarf porcupine
  500. brown lemming
  501. brown mastiff bat
  502. brown mouse lemur
  503. brown rat
  504. brown tent-making bat
  505. brown titi
  506. brown tube-nosed bat
  507. Brown’s hutia
  508. brown-bearded saki
  509. brown-tailed mongoose
  510. brown-throated three-toed sloth
  511. Brukkaros pygmy rock mouse
  512. brush mouse
  513. brush rabbit
  514. brush-tailed rabbit rat
  515. brush-tailed rock wallaby
  516. Bryant’s woodrat
  517. Bryde’s whale
  518. Bucharian vole
  519. Budin’s grass mouse
  520. Buenos Aires leaf-eared mouse
  521. Buettikofer’s epauletted bat
  522. Buettikofer’s shrew
  523. buff-bellied climbing mouse
  524. buffoon striped grass mouse
  525. buffy broad-nosed bat
  526. buffy flower bat
  527. buffy saki
  528. buffy-headed marmoset
  529. Bukovin mole rat
  530. bulldog rat
  531. Buller’s chipmunk
  532. Buller’s pocket gopher
  533. Bulmer’s fruit bat
  534. bumblee bat or hog-nosed bat
  535. bunchgrass leaf-eared mouse
  536. Bunker’s woodrat
  537. Bunn’s short-tailed bandicoot rat
  538. bunny rat
  539. Bunting’s thicket rat
  540. Bunyoro rabbit
  541. Burchell’s zebra
  542. Burmeister’s porpoise
  543. Burmese ferret-badger
  544. Burmese hare
  545. Burmese whiskered bat
  546. burrowing bettong
  547. Burt’s deer mouse
  548. Burton’s gerbil
  549. bush duiker
  550. bush vlei rat
  551. bushveld elephant shrew
  552. bushveld gerbil
  553. bushveld horseshoe bat
  554. bushy-tailed hairy-footed gerbil
  555. bushy-tailed jird
  556. bushy-tailed mongoose
  557. bushy-tailed opossum
  558. bushy-tailed woodrat
  559. Busuanga squirrel
  560. Butiaba naked-tailed shrew
  561. Buxton’s jird

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