Audrey Name Meaning, Origin, Popularity and Nicknames

Audrey Name Meaning

Last Updated on November 9, 2023 by Team FinderWheel

Are you looking for the Audrey name meanings? Discover the meaning of the name Audrey and its origin, similar names, nicknames, variations, numerology numbers, popularity trends and famous people with the name.

What Does Audrey Mean?

Audrey is a name that radiates elegance and nobility. Its meaning is often interpreted as “noble strength” or “noble and strong.” The name embodies a sense of grace and dignity.

What Is the Origin of the Name Audrey?

The name Audrey has Old English and Teutonic origins. It is derived from the Old English name “Æðelþryð,” composed of elements “æðel,” meaning “noble,” and “þryð,” meaning “strength.” The name has a rich history, reflecting qualities of both nobility and resilience.

How Popular Is the Name Audrey?

Audrey is a name that has experienced enduring popularity. It has maintained a timeless appeal, transcending trends and capturing the hearts of those who appreciate its classic elegance.

How Do I Pronounce Audrey?

Pronounce Audrey as “AW-dree,” with the emphasis on the first syllable. The name has a soft and melodious sound, contributing to its timeless charm.

Is Audrey a Boy or Girl Name?

Audrey is traditionally a feminine name. It exudes qualities of femininity, elegance, and a touch of regal grace.

Variations of Audrey

  1. Aubrey: A variation of Audrey with a slightly different spelling, maintaining its noble and strong connotations.
  2. Ethel: A name with Old English roots, reflecting nobility and strength.
  3. Adelaide: A name of Germanic origin that combines elements meaning “noble” and “kind.”
  4. Elfrida: A name with Old English roots, signifying “elf strength” and capturing a sense of nobility.
  5. Audra: A simplified and chic variation of Audrey, retaining its elegance.
  6. Adela: A name of Germanic origin meaning “noble” and embodying grace and strength.
  7. Alaric: A name with Germanic roots, signifying “ruler of all” and carrying a sense of nobility.
  8. Alden: A name with Old English origins, meaning “old friend” and reflecting strength.
  9. Audrina: A modern and creative variation of Audrey, maintaining its regal charm.
  10. Etheldreda: A name with Old English roots, combining elements meaning “noble” and “strength.”

Nicknames for Audrey

  1. Audie: A cute and affectionate diminutive for Audrey.
  2. Dree: A short and chic nickname.
  3. Auds: A playful and modern diminutive.
  4. Rey: A stylish and streamlined nickname.
  5. Drey: A creative twist on Audrey, adding a touch of uniqueness.
  6. Dru: A chic and modern diminutive.
  7. Aria: A melodic and elegant nickname.
  8. Addy: A cute and endearing diminutive.
  9. Edie: A vintage and stylish diminutive.
  10. Andie: A versatile and modern nickname.

Similar Names to Audrey

  1. Aubrey: A name that shares roots with Audrey, signifying noble strength.
  2. Eleanor: A name that carries a sense of regal grace and sophistication.
  3. Isabel: A name that combines classic appeal with a touch of modernity.
  4. Charlotte: A name that exudes timeless beauty and elegance.
  5. Beatrice: A name with Latin roots, meaning “bringer of joy” and embodying grace.
  6. Clara: A name that resonates with elegance and timeless charm.
  7. Grace: A name that exudes timeless grace and simplicity.
  8. Victoria: A name that signifies victory and carries a regal air.
  9. Sophia: A name that carries a sense of sophistication and grace.
  10. Olivia: A name that shares timeless and classic appeal.

Middle Names for Audrey

  1. Audrey Elizabeth: A harmonious blend of elegance and timeless charm.
  2. Audrey Rose: A name that combines Audrey with the charm of a rose.
  3. Audrey Catherine: A name that resonates with both grace and classic charm.
  4. Audrey Amelia: A name that embodies both strength and timeless beauty.
  5. Audrey Genevieve: A name that combines Audrey with a touch of French elegance.
  6. Audrey Claire: A name that reflects both nobility and clarity.
  7. Audrey Grace: A harmonious blend that exudes elegance and timeless grace.
  8. Audrey Juliet: A name that resonates with both regal charm and timeless appeal.
  9. Audrey Celeste: A name that reflects heavenly beauty and grace.
  10. Audrey Vivienne: A name that combines Audrey with vivacity and timeless charm.

Sibling Names for Audrey

  1. Henry (Brother): A classic and timeless choice that complements Audrey’s elegance.
  2. Eleanor (Sister): A name that resonates with regal grace and sophistication.
  3. William (Brother): A timeless and classic choice that harmonizes well with Audrey.
  4. Charlotte (Sister): A name that combines modernity with classic elegance.
  5. Oliver (Brother): A classic and timeless choice that complements Audrey’s charm.
  6. Grace (Sister): A name that shares elegance and timeless appeal.
  7. Theodore (Brother): A name that adds a touch of strength and classic charm.
  8. Sophia (Sister): A name that carries a sense of sophistication and grace, much like Audrey.
  9. Alexander (Brother): A name that adds a touch of grandeur and timeless charm.
  10. Clara (Sister): A name that resonates with elegance and timeless charm.

Famous People Named Audrey

  1. Audrey Hepburn: An iconic British actress known for her roles in films like “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “Roman Holiday.”
  2. Audrey Tautou: A French actress known for her performances in films like “Amélie” and “The Da Vinci Code.”
  3. Audrey Niffenegger: An American author and artist known for her novel “The Time Traveler’s Wife.”
  4. Audrey Meadows: An American actress best known for her role as Alice Kramden in “The Honeymooners.”
  5. Audrey Hollander: An American pornographic actress.
  6. Audrey Tang: A Taiwanese software programmer and the Digital Minister of Taiwan.
  7. Audrey Tangonan: A Filipino professional basketball player.
  8. Audrey Lamy: A French actress and comedian.
  9. Audrey Assad: An American singer-songwriter and contemporary Christian music artist.
  10. Audrey Fleurot: A French actress known for her role as Joséphine Karlsson in the TV series “Spiral.”

Audrey in Popular Culture

The name Audrey has made its mark in popular culture through various references in literature, film, and music. From iconic characters to timeless references, Audrey continues to be a name associated with elegance and grace.


1. What is the meaning of the name Audrey?

The name Audrey is often interpreted as meaning “noble strength” or “noble and strong.” It embodies a sense of grace and dignity.

2. Is Audrey a common name?

Audrey is a name that has experienced enduring popularity and is considered a classic choice with timeless charm.

3. Can Audrey be a boy’s name?

Audrey is traditionally a feminine name and is rarely used for boys.

4. Are there variations of the name Audrey?

Yes, variations of Audrey include Aubrey, Ethel, Adelaide, and more.

5. Who are some famous people with the name Audrey?

Famous individuals with the name Audrey include Audrey Hepburn, Audrey Tautou, and Audrey Niffenegger.


Audrey stands as a name of timeless elegance and nobility, capturing hearts with its regal charm. Whether you’re considering it for your child’s name or simply admiring its grace, Audrey remains a symbol of enduring beauty in the vast realm of names.