100 Flower Names for Girls with Meanings

Flower Names for Girls

Last Updated on April 24, 2023 by Team FinderWheel

Baby Girl Names Inspired by Flowers & Plants

Are you looking for a flower name for girls? Find the latest and most popular girl names inspired by flowers for your newborn baby from a list of baby girl name ideas.

Cute & Pretty Flower Names for Baby Girls

Check out a full list of beautiful flower names for girls. Learn about all kinds of different plants and flower names for girls with the help of FinderWheel’s Baby girl name ideas and choose the perfect one for your little angel.

Here is a list of cute and unique names for baby girls inspired by flowers.

  1. Acacia – a tree with yellow or white flowers
  2. Amaryllis – a bulbous plant with showy red, pink, or white flowers
  3. Anthea – means “flower” or “blossom”
  4. Aster – a daisy-like flower with a starry shape
  5. Azalea – a shrub with colorful, fragrant flowers
  6. Blossom – means “flower” or “bloom”
  7. Bluebell – a spring-flowering plant with bell-shaped blue flowers
  8. Briar Rose – means “thorny rose”
  9. Calantha – means “beautiful flower” or “lovely blossom”
  10. Camellia – a shrub with large, showy flowers in shades of pink, red, and white
  11. Carnation – a fragrant flower in various colors, often used in bouquets and corsages
  12. Cassia – a plant with fragrant flowers and bark, often used in perfumes
  13. Cherry – a fruit tree with pink or white flowers
  14. Chrysanthemum – a colorful flower often associated with autumn
  15. Clover – a small, sweet-smelling plant with three-lobed leaves and pink or white flowers
  16. Daffodil – a bulbous plant with yellow or white flowers, often the first to bloom in spring
  17. Dahlia – a flower with showy, colorful petals
  18. Daisy – a small, white flower with a yellow center
  19. Delphine – means “dolphin” or “lily”
  20. Edenia – means “place of pleasure” or “garden of paradise”
  21. Flora – means “flower” or “blooming”
  22. Gardenia – a fragrant, white flower often used in perfumes and as a decoration
  23. Heather – a small, pink or purple flower often found in Scotland
  24. Hibiscus – a tropical flower with large, colorful blooms
  25. Hyacinth – a bulbous plant with fragrant, bell-shaped flowers
  26. Iris – a flower with showy, sword-like petals
  27. Ivy – a plant with dark green leaves and small, yellow-green flowers
  28. Jacinta – means “hyacinth”
  29. Jasmine – a fragrant flower often used in teas and perfumes
  30. Jonquil – a small, fragrant flower in the daffodil family
  31. Kalina – means “viburnum” or “cranberry”
  32. Kiele – means “gardenia” or “fragrant blossom”
  33. Lantana – a plant with colorful flowers often used in landscaping
  34. Laurel – a shrub with fragrant flowers and leaves often used as a symbol of victory
  35. Lavender – a fragrant herb with purple flowers
  36. Lilac – a shrub with fragrant, purple flowers
  37. Lily – a flower with showy, trumpet-shaped petals
  38. Lotus – a water plant with large, fragrant flowers
  39. Magnolia – a tree or shrub with large, fragrant flowers
  40. Marigold – a flower with showy, orange or yellow petals
  41. Mimosa – a plant with fragrant, pink or yellow flowers
  42. Myrtle – a shrub with fragrant, white flowers and dark green leaves
  43. Narcissa – means “daffodil” or “narcissus”
  44. Orchid – a tropical flower with large, showy blooms
  45. Peony – a flower with showy, fragrant petals in shades of pink, red, and white
  46. Petunia
  47. Laxman Gadakh
  48. 46 to 100
  49. Poppy – a flower with showy, brightly colored petals
  50. Primrose – a small, delicate flower in shades of pink, yellow, and white
  51. Rose – a flower with fragrant, showy petals in various colors
  52. Rowan – a tree with white or pink flowers and red berries
  53. Sage – a fragrant herb with purple flowers
  54. Senna – a plant with yellow or white flowers
  55. Snapdragon – a flower with colorful, showy blooms
  56. Sunflower – a tall, yellow flower with a brown center
  57. Tansy – a yellow-flowered herb often used in medicinal remedies
  58. Thistle – a prickly plant with purple or pink flowers
  59. Tiger Lily – a flower with showy, orange petals and black spots
  60. Trillium – a spring-flowering plant with three petals
  61. Tulip – a flower with showy, cup-shaped petals in various colors
  62. Verbena – a plant with small, colorful flowers often used in landscaping
  63. Violet – a small, fragrant flower in shades of purple and blue
  64. Wisteria – a vine with fragrant, purple flowers
  65. Yarrow – a plant with small, white or yellow flowers often used in medicinal remedies
  66. Yucca – a desert plant with showy, white or pink flowers
  67. Zinnia – a flower with showy, brightly colored petals
  68. Adenium – a desert plant with showy, pink or red flowers
  69. Aiyana – means “forever blooming”
  70. Althea – means “healing herb”
  71. Astra – means “star”
  72. Ayanna – means “eternal bloom”
  73. Belladonna – means “beautiful lady”
  74. Briallen – means “primrose”
  75. Celandine – means “swallow”
  76. Dahlia – means “valley”
  77. Elowen – means “elm tree”
  78. Eurydice – means “wide justice” and is associated with the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice
  79. Fflur – means “flower” in Welsh
  80. Fiorella – means “little flower”
  81. Fleur – means “flower” in French
  82. Galanthus – means “milk flower”
  83. Gardenia – means “garden flower”
  84. Gwyneira – means “white snow”
  85. Hana – means “flower” in Japanese
  86. Hestia – means “hearth” and is associated with the goddess of the hearth and home
  87. Hydrangea – means “water vessel”
  88. Ione – means “violet flower”
  89. Isadora – means “gift of the goddess” and is associated with the Greek goddess of fertility and nature
  90. Jacaranda – a flowering tree with blue or purple blooms
  91. Jasmin – means “jasmine” in German and is associated with the fragrant flower
  92. Kalina – means “viburnum” or “cranberry”
  93. Kiku – means “chrysanthemum” in Japanese and is associated with the colorful fall flower
  94. Liana – means “to bind” or “climbing vine”
  95. Lotus – means “lotus flower” and is associated with the sacred flower of Buddhism and Hinduism
  96. Magnolia – means “magnolia flower”
  97. Marguerite – means “daisy” in French
  98. Nerida – means “sea nymph”
  99. Orla – means “golden princess”
  100. Peony – a flower with large, showy petals in shades of pink, white, and red
  101. Periwinkle – a small, blue or purple flower often used as ground cover
  102. Petunia – a flower with showy, trumpet-shaped blooms in various colors
  103. Zara – means “princess” and is also associated with the flower zinnia.