300+ Biblical (Bible) Baby Names That Start With A

List of Biblical Names Starting With A

Last Updated on February 27, 2021 by Team FinderWheel

Biblical Baby Names with Meanings

Looking for the biblical names that start with A? Find the latest and most popular bible baby names for your newborn from a list of biblical baby boy and girl names ideas.

Check out a full alphabetical list of popular biblical names for your baby or girl. Learn about all kinds of different biblical baby names with the help of FinderWheel’s Baby names generator tool and choose the perfect one for your little ones.

List of Unique Biblical Baby Boy & Girl Names that Begin With A

Check out this alphabetical list of popular biblical baby boy names and baby girl names and choose the perfect one for your little ones.

Most Popular Baby Names That Start with A from the Bible

Here are some of the top and most popular biblical baby boy & girl names used across India and the World.

Aaron Aijeleth
Abba Ain
Abaddon Ajalon
Abagtha Akeldama
Abana Akkad
Abarim Akkub
Abda Akrabbim
Abdeel Alammelech
Abdi Alemeth
Abdiel Alian
Abdon Alleluia
Abednego Allon
Abel Almodad
Abez Almon
Abi Alpheus
Abiah Alush
Abi-albon Alvah
Abiasaph Amad
Abiathar Amal
Abib Amalek
Abida Aman
Abidan Amana
Abiel Amariah
Abiezer Amasa
Abigail Amasia
Abihail Amashai
Abihu Ami
Abihud Amaziah
Abijah Aminadab
Abijam Amittai
Abilene Ammah
Abimael Ammi
Abimelech Ammiel
Abinadab Ammihud
Abinoam Amminadab
Abiram Ammishaddai
Abishag Ammizabad
Abishai Ammon
Abishalom Amnon
Abishua Amok
Abishur Amon
Abital Amorite
Abitub Amos
Abiud Amoz
Abner Amplias
Abram Amram
Abraham Amraphel
Absalom Amzi
Abubus Anab
Accad Anah
Accho Anaharath
Aceldama Anaiah
Achab Anak
Achaia Anamim
Achaicus Anammelech
Achan Anani
Achaz Ananias
Achbor Anathema
Achim Anathoth
Achish Andrew
Achmetha Andronicus
Achor Anem
Achsah Aner
Achshaph Aniam
Achzib Anim
Adadah Anna
Adah Annas
Adaiah Antichrist
Adalia Antioch
Adam Antipas
Adamah Antipatris
Adami Antothijah
Adar Anub
Adbeel Apelles
Addi Apharsathchites
Addin Aphek
Addon Aphekah
Adiel Aphik
Adin Aphiah
Adithaim Apocalypse
Adlai Apocrypha
Admah Apollonia
Admatha Apollonius
Admin Apollos
Adna Apollyon
Adnah Appaim
Adoni Apphia
Adonijah Aquila
Adonikam Ara
Adoniram Arab
Adoraim Arabia
Adoram Arad
Adrammelech Arah
Adramyttium Aram
Adria Aran
Adriel Ararat
Aduel Araunah
Adullam Arba
Adummim Archelaus
Aedias Archippus
Aeneas Arcturus
Aenon Ard
Aesora Ardon
Agabus Areli
Agag Areopagus
Agagite Aretas
Agar Argob
Agee Ariel
Aggaba Arimathea
Agia Arioch
Agrippa Aristarchus
Agur Aristobulus
Ahab Armageddon
Aharah Arnon
Aharhel Aroer
Ahasbai Arpad
Ahasuerus Arphaxad
Ahava Artaxerxes
Ahaz Artemas
Ahaziah Arumah
Ahi Asa
Ahiah Asahel
Ahiam Asaiah
Ahian Asaph
Ahiezer Asareel
Ahihud Asenath
Ahijah Ashan
Ahikam Ashbel
Ahilud Ashdod
Ahimaaz Asher
Ahiman Asherah
Ahimelech Ashima
Ahimoth Ashkenaz
Ahinadab Ashnah
Ahinoam Ashriel
Ahio Ashtaroth
Ahira Ashur
Ahiram Asia
Ahisamach Asiel
Ahishahar Askelon
Ahishar Asnapper
Ahithophel Asriel
Ahitub Assir
Ahlab Asshurim
Ahlai Assos
Ahoah Assur
Aholah Assyria
Aholiab Asuppim
Aholibah Asyncritus
Aholibamah Atad
Ahumai Atarah
Ahuzam Ataroth
Ahuzzath Ater
Aiah Athach
Aiath Athaiah
Athaliah Azazel
Athlai Azaziah
Attai Azekah
Attalia Azgad
Augustus Azmaveth
Ava Azmon
Aven Aznoth
Avim Azor
Avith Azotus
Azaliah Azrael
Azaniah Azriel
Azariah Azrikam
Azaz Azubah
Azzan Azur

We hope you have found the perfect biblical baby boy or girl name from our compilation of unique and trending baby names tool.

Baby Names Generator

Baby name search by Gender, Religion, Origin, Numerology, Rashi, Nakshatra & more and get inspiration to find the perfect baby name with meanings at our baby names finder.

Baby Name FinderBible Names List by Letter A to Z

Find the list of bible baby names beginning with A that you’re interested in and, follow the below links for further information. We’ll go through all of our favorite name directories in alphabetical order.

Biblical Baby Names That Start with A Biblical Baby Names That Start with N
Biblical Baby Names That Start with B Biblical Baby Names That Start with O
Biblical Baby Names That Start with C Biblical Baby Names That Start with P
Biblical Baby Names That Start with D Biblical Baby Names That Start with Q
Biblical Baby Names That Start with E Biblical Baby Names That Start with R
Biblical Baby Names That Start with F Biblical Baby Names That Start with S
Biblical Baby Names That Start with G Biblical Baby Names That Start with T
Biblical Baby Names That Start with H Biblical Baby Names That Start with U
Biblical Baby Names That Start with I Biblical Baby Names That Start with V
Biblical Baby Names That Start with J Biblical Baby Names That Start with W
Biblical Baby Names That Start with K Biblical Baby Names That Start with X
Biblical Baby Names That Start with L Biblical Baby Names That Start with Y
Biblical Baby Names That Start with M Biblical Baby Names That Start with Z

Cute and Unique Nicknames for Baby Boys and Girls

If you’re on the hunt for a funny nickname for baby boys and girls. Find the latest, most popular, unique & cute nicknames and names for Baby Boys, Girls, Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Husband, and Wife from a list of 100000+ nicknames ideas at FinderWheel.com

If you have any suggestions or other names you would like to call your baby boy and girl, let us know in the comments below.

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