List of Holidays in August – National and International Dates List

List of Holidays in August 2024 – National and International Dates List

List of Holidays in August: August is a month filled with a diverse array of holidays and observances, offering a blend of cultural celebrations, historical commemorations, and moments for reflection. As we delve into the month’s calendar, we’ll explore the significant events that mark this vibrant period. From international days that raise awareness to festivities steeped in tradition, let’s dive into the rich tapestry of holidays and observances in August 2023.

August 20243 Holidays

August is a month brimming with cultural, historical, and social significance. It brings together people from around the world to commemorate, celebrate, and reflect upon various aspects of life. Let’s explore some of the key holidays and observances that make this month truly exceptional.

List of Holidays & Observances in August 2024

Date Special Day/Event
Aug-01 Asahna Bucha Day 
August Moon Festival 
Benin Independence Day 
Colorado Day 
Emancipation Day (Guyana) 
Full Moon Day of Waso 
Guadalcanal Province Day 
Homemade Pie Day 
International Can-It Forward Day 
International Childfree Day 
Lammas Day 
National Andrew Day 
National Day of Benin 
National Girlfriend Day 
National Minority Donor Awareness Day 
National Night Out 
National Promise to Care Day 
National Raspberry Cream Pie Day 
Planner Day 
Play Ball Day 
Respect For Parents Day 
Rounds Resounding Day 
Santo Domingo Celebrations Start 
Santo Domingo Celebrations Start 
Scout Scarf Day 
Spider-Man Day 
Start Up Day Across America 
Switzerland National Day 
Tu B’Av 
Woman Astronomers Day 
World Lung Cancer Day 
World Wide Web Day 
Yorkshire Day 
International Clown Week 
National Minority Donor Awareness Week 
World Breastfeeding Week 
American Adventures Month 
American Artist Appreciation Month 
Back to School Month 
Black Business Month 
Child Support Awareness Month 
Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month 
Family Fun Month 
Gastroparesis Awareness Month 
Happiness Happens Month 
MedicAlert Awareness Month 
Motorsports Awareness Month 
National Breastfeeding Month 
National Catfish Month 
National Civility Month 
National Eye Exam Month 
National Goat Cheese Month 
National Golf Month 
National Hair Loss Awareness Month 
National Immunization Awareness Month 
National Language Month 
National Panini Month 
National Peach Month 
National Sandwich Month 
National Traffic Awareness Month 
Psoriasis Awareness Month 
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month 
Summer Sun Safety Month 
Aug-02 National CAD Day 
National Coloring Book Day 
National Hugh Day 
National Ice Cream Sandwich Day 
National Jacqueline Day 
Regatta Day 
Republic Day in North Macedonia 
Take a Penny/Leave a Penny Day 
Virgin of Los Angeles Day 
Buddhist Lent 
Clean Your Floors Day 
Cloves Syndrome Awareness Day 
India Pale Ale Day 
Makira-Ulawa Province Day 
National Big Forehead Day 
National Grab Some Nuts Day 
National IPA Day (India Pale Ale Beer) 
National Michael Day 
National Watermelon Day 
Pidjiguiti Day 
Assistance Dog Day 
Braham Pie Day 
Cook Islands Constitution Day 
Founder’s Day 
Hooray for Kids Day 
International Beer Day 
International Clouded Leopard Day 
Mary Prince Day 
Matice Slovenska Day 
National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day 
National Water Balloon Day 
National White Wine Day 
Single Working Women’s Day 
U.S. Coast Guard Birthday 
Umuganura Day 
Aug-05 Blogger Day 
Burkina Faso Independence Day 
Mead Day 
National Couscous Day 
National Dash Cam Day 
National Disc Golf Day 
National Jamaican Patty Day 
National Mustard Day 
National Oyster Day 
National Twins Day 
National Underwear Day 
Our Lady of Africa 
Sandcastle Day 
Work Like a Dog Day 
National Eisteddfod 
Aug-06 American Family Day 
Balloons to Heaven Day 
Bolivia Independence Day 
Celebrations of San Salvador 
Cycle to Work Day 
Farmworker Appreciation Day 
Fiesta de San Salvador 
Fiesta Patronales Holiday 
National Friendship Day 
Hiroshima Day 
International Sailor Moon Day 
Jamaica Independence Day 
National Carolyn Day 
National Fresh Breath Day 
National Henry Day 
National Root Beer Float Day 
National Sisters Day 
National Tree Day 
National Wiggle Your Toes Day 
Psychic Day 
Clutter Awareness Week 
Exercise with Your Child Week 
Give a Dog a Bone Week 
International Assistance Dog Week 
National Farmers Market Week 
National Health Center Week 
National Resurrect Romance Week 
Stop on Red Week 
Aug-07 Aged Care Employee Day 
Battle of Boyaca 
Battle of Boyaca 
British Columbia Day 
Civic Holiday 
Commerce Day 
Côte d’Ivoire Independence Day 
Festival Monday 
Heritage Day in Alberta 
Ivory Coast Independence Day 
Kadooment Day 
Kiribati Youth Day 
Natal Day 
National Lighthouse Day 
National Raspberries n’ Cream Day 
National Sea Serpent Day 
National Valentino Day 
New Brunswick Day 
New South Wales Bank Holiday 
Northern Territory Picnic Day 
Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day 
Professional Speakers Day 
Purple Heart Day 
Terry Fox Day 
World Alternative Games 
Afternoon Tea Week 
Crop Over 
National Allotments Week 
National Simplify your Life Week 
Brecon Jazz Festival 
Aug-08 Culturama Day 
Digital Nomad Day 
Dying to Know Day 
Happiness Happens Day 
International Cat Day 
National Anne Day 
National Braiders Day 
National CBD Day 
National Dollar Day 
National Frozen Custard Day 
National Liam Day 
National Melvin Day 
National Mochi Day 
National Perler Day 
National Pickleball Day 
National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day 
National Tarantula Appreciation Day 
Odie Day 
Peace Festival in Augsburg 
Peasants’ Day 
Scottish Wildcat Day 
Top 8 Challenge Day 
Wear Your Mother’s Jewelry Day 
Aug-09 Adivasi Divas 
Annual Perseid Meteor Shower Peak Night 
Co Working Day 
Hold Hands Day 
International Day of The World’s Indigenous People 
Nagasaki Memorial Day 
National Book Lovers Day 
National Psychiatric Technician Appreciation Day 
National Rebecca Day 
National Rice Pudding Day 
National Veep Day 
National Women’s Day 
Singapore National Day 
Suriname Indigenous People’s Day 
Elvis Week 
Aug-10 Abai Day 
Ascent of Saint Dominic 
Duran Duran Appreciation Day 
Ecuador Independence Day 
Herbert Hoover Day 
International Biodiesel Day 
National Connecticut Day 
National Dean Day 
National Lazy Day 
National Mary Day 
National S’mores Day 
National Shapewear Day 
National SKI Citrus Soda Day 
National Spoil Your Dog Day 
Update Your Bio Day 
Vlogging Day 
World Lion Day 
Aug-11 Chad Independence Day 
Hip Hop Day 
Ingersoll Day 
Mountain Day 
National Align Your Teeth Day 
National Bakewell Tart Day 
National Face Mask Day 
National Fufu Day 
National Presidential Joke Day 
National Raspberry Bombe Day 
National Son and Daughter Day 
Shop Online for Groceries Day 
Aug-12 Garage Sale Day 
International Youth Day 
Milkman Day 
National Bowling Day 
National Gooey Butter Cake Day 
National Julienne Fries Day 
National Middle Child Day 
National Vinyl Record Day 
Thailand Mother’s Day 
The Glorious Twelfth 
World Elephant Day 
National Heritage Week 
National Science Week 
Aug-13 Gay Uncles Day 
International Lefthanders Day 
Melon Day 
National Filet Mignon Day 
National Prosecco Day 
Obon Festival 
The Day of Cantabria 
Women’s and Family Day 
Aug-14 Anniversary of the Recovery Oued Ed-Dahab 
Falklands Day 
Love Your Bookshop Day 
National Creamsicle Day 
National Financial Awareness Day 
National Spirit of ’45 Day 
National Tattoo Removal Day 
Navajo Code Talkers Day 
Pakistan Independence Day 
Pramuka Day 
US Victory Day 
Vigil of Assumption Day 
World Lizard Day 
National Bargain Hunting Week 
Aug-15 Assumption of Mary (Spain) 
Chant at the Moon Day 
Check the Chip Day 
Feast of Assumption (Chile) 
Feast of the Assumption 
Flooding of the Nile 
Foundation of Old Panama City 
Founding of Asuncion in Paraguay 
Indian Independence Day 
Liberation Day 
Liechtenstein National Day 
Malaita Province Day 
National Acadian Day 
National Back To School Prep Day 
National Jean Day 
National Leathercraft Day 
National Lemon Meringue Pie Day 
National Philip Day 
National Relaxation Day 
No Sponge Bob Day 
St Mary’s Day 
World Greatness Day 
Bennington Battle Day 
Ekka People’s Day 
National Rum Day 
National Airborne Day 
National Authenticity Day 
National Backflow Prevention Day 
National Energy Multiplier Day 
National Independent Worker Day 
National Roller Coaster Day 
National Tell A Joke Day 
Parsi New Year 
Restoration Day (Dominican Republic) 
Royal National Agricultural Show Day 
St. Roch’s Day 
World Calligraphy Day 
Aug-17 Baby Boomers Recognition Day 
Gabon Independence Day 
Indonesia independence day 
National Abel Day 
National Black Cat Appreciation Day 
National I LOVE My feet Day 
National Marilyn Day 
National Massachusetts Day 
National Nonprofit Day 
National Thrift Shop Day 
National Workers’ Comp Adjuster Day 
Slovenians in Prekmurje Incorporated into the Mother Nation Day 
Made in the Philippines Product Week 
Aug-18 Gold Cup Parade 
Green Man Festival 
Hawaiian Shirt Day 
Indonesia Constitution Day 
Kool Aid Day 
Long Tan Day 
National Angela Day 
National Bad Poetry Day 
National Couple’s Day 
National Fajita Day 
National Ice Cream Pie Day 
National Jaden Day 
National Mail Order Catalog Day 
National Men’s Grooming Day 
Never Give Up Day 
Pinot Noir Day 
Serendipity Day 
World Breast Cancer Research Day 
Aug-19 Afghanistan Independence Day 
Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s day 
International Bow Day 
International Geocaching Day 
International Homeless Animals Day 
International Orangutan Day 
National Aviation Day 
National Patient Advocacy Day 
National Photography Day 
National Potato Day 
National Soft Ice Cream Day 
Revolution Commemoration Day 
Saviours of the Apple Feast Day 
World Honey Bee Day 
World Humanitarian Day 
World Photo Day 
National Aviation Week 
Aug-20 Anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People 
Hungary National Day 
National Bacon Lovers Day 
National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day 
National Lemonade Day 
National Radio Day 
St. Stephen’s Day 
World Mosquito Day 
Aug-21 Discovery Day 
International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism 
Internet Self-Care Day 
Nag Panchami 
National Brazilian Blowout Day 
National Report Upcoding Fraud Day 
National Senior Citizens Day 
National Spumoni Day 
Ninoy Aquino Day 
San Martin Day 
Contact Lens Health Week 
Esala Perahera 
National Composites Week 
Aug-22 Be An Angel Day 
Folklore Day 
International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief 
National Bao Day 
National Pamela Day 
National Pecan Torte Day 
National Rainbow Baby Day 
National Surgical Oncologist Day 
National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day 
National Tooth Fairy Day 
Never Bean Better Day 
Qixi Festival 
Russia National Flag Day 
World Plant Milk Day 
Aug-23 Cheap Flight Day 
Day for Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition 
Day of the National Flag 
European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism 
Find Your Inner Nerd Day 
Health Unit Coordinators Day 
International Blind Dog Day 
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition 
National Cuban Sandwich Day 
National Levi Day 
National Ride The Wind Day 
National Sponge Cake Day 
National Valentino Day 
Slavery Remembrance Day 
National Coconut Week 
World Water Week 
Aug-24 International Strange Music Day 
Kobe Bryant Day 
Melaka Governor’s Birthday 
National Burger Day 
National Danny Day 
National Emory Day 
National Flag Day in Liberia 
National Knife Day 
National Peach Pie Day 
National SKAM Artist Day 
National Waffle Day 
Pluto Demoted Day 
St Bartholomew History 
Ukraine Independence Day 
Vesuvius Day 
William Wilberforce Day 
Aug-25 Day of Songun 
Kiss and Make Up Day 
National Banana Split Day 
National Park Service Founders Day 
National Secondhand Wardrobe Day 
National Whiskey Sour Day 
Uruguay Independence Day 
Be Kind To Humankind Week 
Aug-26 National Cherry Popsicle Day 
National Day of Repentance 
National Dog Day 
National Kelly Day 
National Logan Day 
National Spark the World Day 
National Toilet Paper Day 
National WebMistress Day 
Pride Cymru 
Women’s Equality Day 
International Bat Night 
Aug-27 Crab Soup Day 
International Lottery Day 
Lyndon Baines Johnson Day 
Moldova Independence Day 
National Just Because Day 
National Petroleum Day 
National Pots De Creme Day 
Notting Hill Carnival 
Social Justice Sunday 
The Duchess Who Wasn’t Day 
Burning Man Festival 
Legacy Week 
Aug-28 Crackers Over The Keyboard Day 
Emirati Womens Day 
Late Summer Bank Holiday 
National Bow Tie Day 
National Cherry Turnover Day 
National Heroes Day of Philippines 
National Heroes’ Day 
National Power Rangers Day 
Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day 
Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day 
Summer Bank Holiday (England and Wales) 
Aug-29 According to Hoyle Day 
Founding Anniversary of the Senate 
Individual Rights Day 
International Day against Nuclear Tests 
Literacy & Numeracy Week 
More Herbs, Less Salt Day 
National Chop Suey Day 
National Lemon Juice Day 
National Sports Day 
National Uprising Day 
Aug-30 Frankenstein Day 
International Cabernet Sauvignon Day 
International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances 
International Whale Shark Day 
National Beach Day 
National Grief Awareness Day 
National Harper Day 
National Holistic Pet Day 
National Toasted Marshmallow Day 
Popular Consultation Day 
Raksha Bandhan 
Santa Rosa De Lima 
Santa Rosa De Lima 
Slinky Day 
Spirit Festival 
Victory Day 
Aug-31 Birth Anniversary of President Ramon Magsaysay 
Eat Outside Day 
Independence Day 
International Cabernet Day 
International Day for People of African Descent 
International Overdose Awareness Day 
Kyrgyzstan Independence Day 
La Tomatina 
Love Litigating Lawyers Day 
National Dan Day 
National Diatomaceous Earth Day 
National Matchmaker Day 
National South Carolina Day 
National Trail Mix Day 
National Zoo Awareness Day 
Trinidad and Tobago Independence Day 
We Love Memoirs Day 
World Distance Learning Day 



August is a dynamic month that encompasses a wide spectrum of emotions and experiences. From joyful celebrations to solemn remembrances, these holidays and observances invite us to engage with the world and appreciate the tapestry of humanity’s stories.

Month Wise Holiday Calendar in 2024

Important National & International Days by Month

The list of important days and dates is compiled on the basis of events and festivals in India and worldwide. Check month-wise wise important days and dates:

January Holidays February Holidays
March Holidays April Holidays
May Holidays June Holidays
July Holidays August Holidays
September Holidays October Holidays
November Holidays December Holidays