200 Nouns That Start With M

Nouns That Start With M

Last Updated on April 24, 2023 by Team FinderWheel

Are you looking for nouns that start with M? Here is the list of common nouns that start with the letter a to describe a person, animal, Food, object, place, or plant.

What is a noun?

A noun is a type of word used to identify a person, place, thing, or idea. It can function as the subject or object in a sentence and can be modified by adjectives. In English grammar, nouns can be singular or plural and can be further classified as common or proper, concrete or abstract, and countable or uncountable.

Nouns That Start with M in English

The English language is rich with words that start with the letter “M.” From everyday objects to abstract concepts, nouns that begin with M are used in various contexts, making them an essential part of our vocabulary.

In this article, we will explore some of the most common and exciting nouns that start with M in English. We will provide a detailed description oF each noun, along with examples oF how they can be used in a sentence.

Here are 100 nouns starting with “m,” along with brief descriptions:

  1. Machine
  2. Magazine
  3. Magnet
  4. Mail
  5. Mailbox
  6. Mainframe
  7. Maintenance
  8. Major
  9. Make-up
  10. Mall
  11. Mammal
  12. Man
  13. Management
  14. Mandolin
  15. Mane
  16. Manger
  17. Manicure
  18. Map
  19. Marathon
  20. March
  21. Marker
  22. Market
  23. Marsh
  24. Mask
  25. Masonry
  26. Mass
  27. Mast
  28. Master
  29. Mat
  30. Match
  31. Mate
  32. Material
  33. Mathematics
  34. Mattress
  35. Maximum
  36. Mayonnaise
  37. Maze
  38. Meal
  39. Mean
  40. Measurement
  41. Meat
  42. Mechanic
  43. Medal
  44. Medicine
  45. Meditation
  46. Medium
  47. Meeting
  48. Melody
  49. Melon
  50. Membership
  51. Memo
  52. Memory
  53. Men
  54. Menace
  55. Mend
  56. Menu
  57. Merit
  58. Message
  59. Messenger
  60. Metal
  61. Metaphor
  62. Meter
  63. Method
  64. Microphone
  65. Microwave
  66. Midnight
  67. Might
  68. Mile
  69. Milk
  70. Mill
  71. Millimeter
  72. Mind
  73. Mine
  74. Mineral
  75. Minimum
  76. Ministry
  77. Miracle
  78. Mirror
  79. Misery
  80. Misfit
  81. Miss
  82. Mission
  83. Mistake
  84. Mix
  85. Mixer
  86. Model
  87. Modernity
  88. Modesty
  89. Module
  90. Molecule
  91. Moment
  92. Money
  93. Monkey
  94. Month
  95. Monument
  96. Mood
  97. Moon
  98. Moral
  99. Morning
  100. Mortar

Proper Noun That Starts with M

  1. Michael
  2. Michelle
  3. Madison
  4. Mary
  5. Matthew
  6. Mark
  7. Marcus
  8. Martha
  9. Miguel
  10. Martin
  11. Mario
  12. Monica
  13. Morgan
  14. Mason
  15. Madison
  16. Malaysia
  17. Mali
  18. Malta
  19. Maldives
  20. Manchester
  21. Maryland
  22. Massachusetts
  23. Memphis
  24. Mexico
  25. Miami

Collective Noun That Starts with M

  1. Mob
  2. Menagerie
  3. Murder
  4. Musicians
  5. Myriad
  6. Mass
  7. Members
  8. Migration
  9. Muster
  10. Multitude
  11. Murmuration
  12. Militia
  13. Majority
  14. Modicum
  15. Masses
  16. Matrix
  17. Machine
  18. Mobsters
  19. Morpheme
  20. Maelstrom
  21. Mart
  22. Manor
  23. Montage
  24. Myrmidon
  25. Marauders

Common Noun That Starts with M

  1. Moon
  2. Monkey
  3. Mouse
  4. Machine
  5. Money
  6. Mountain
  7. Music
  8. Man
  9. Mother
  10. Marriage
  11. Mind
  12. Memory
  13. Morning
  14. Meat
  15. Market
  16. Mail
  17. Movie
  18. Machine
  19. Magazine
  20. Museum
  21. Method
  22. Month
  23. Mood
  24. Motor
  25. Message

Material Noun That Starts with M

  1. Marble
  2. Metal
  3. Mud
  4. Milk
  5. Magma
  6. Mahogany
  7. Magnesium
  8. Mercury
  9. Malt
  10. Mortar
  11. Methane
  12. Mineral
  13. Material
  14. Mudstone
  15. Myrrh
  16. Mycelium
  17. Molasses
  18. Muscovite
  19. Moissanite
  20. Mica
  21. Melamine
  22. Microfiber
  23. Mesh
  24. Mohair
  25. Melanin

Abstract Noun That Starts with M

  1. Manifestation
  2. Modulation
  3. Metamorphosis
  4. Morbidity
  5. Mortification
  6. Metaphor
  7. Mysticism
  8. Moralism
  9. Mystique
  10. Modernism
  11. Miracle
  12. Misconception
  13. Meritocracy
  14. Metanoia
  15. Multiculturalism
  16. Materialism
  17. Mindset
  18. Moralization
  19. Malice
  20. Motility
  21. Metaphorization
  22. Misanthropy
  23. Mandate
  24. Migration
  25. Moratorium

Countable Noun That Starts with M

  1. Machine
  2. Magazine
  3. Magnet
  4. Mansion
  5. Marker
  6. Mask
  7. Meal
  8. Medal
  9. Member
  10. Memory
  11. Message
  12. Method
  13. Mile
  14. Minute
  15. Mirror
  16. Mission
  17. Model
  18. Moment
  19. Money
  20. Month
  21. Monument
  22. Mortgage
  23. Motion
  24. Motor
  25. Mountain

Uncountable Noun That Starts with M

  1. Music
  2. Milk
  3. Money
  4. Mathematics
  5. Meat
  6. Mud
  7. Marble
  8. Mischief
  9. Malt
  10. Moisture
  11. Mirth
  12. Mist
  13. Mucus
  14. Margarine
  15. Metal
  16. Melancholy
  17. Morphine
  18. Machinery
  19. Monarchy
  20. Mandarin
  21. Magma
  22. Megabytes
  23. Mettle
  24. Mixture
  25. Molasses

Concrete Noun That Starts with M

  1. Mountain
  2. Mansion
  3. Motorcycle
  4. Microscope
  5. Museum
  6. Mailbox
  7. Magnet
  8. Mango
  9. Mouse
  10. Mallet
  11. Machine
  12. Muffin
  13. Mower
  14. Mosaic
  15. Mud
  16. Medal
  17. Marker
  18. Manhole
  19. Mat
  20. Meatball
  21. Megaphone
  22. Melon
  23. Mitten
  24. Matador
  25. Marble


Nouns that start with M are an essential part of the English language. They are used in various contexts, From everyday conversation to literature and scientific research.

This article has explored two hundred common and interesting nouns that start with M, providing a detailed description of each one along with examples of how they can be used in a sentence. By expanding your vocabulary with these words, you can become a more effective communicator and gain a better understanding of the world around you.

We hope you have found the popular Nouns From our collection oF word Finder directories.

List oF Nouns That Start With Letters A to Z

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