Top & Most Famous Laura Kasischke Quotes

"The pursuit of exotic beauty in such a life would have been like having a ball of tinfoil in your stomach, all that airy metal filling you up with hunger."

- Laura Kasischke Quotes

"We must imagine our lives well. We must engage our conscience. Conscience is the voice of God in the nature and heart of man."

- Laura Kasischke Quotes

"When I built my luminous prison around you, you simply lay down at the center of it and died."

- Laura Kasischke Quotes

"Maybe he was worried that I would get thinner and thinner, until I became as unfindable as my mother, and I felt a stab of compassion for him, imagining my father alone in this house with the white shadows of his two invisible women."

- Laura Kasischke Quotes

"She was so wicked. Such a classic case of resentment and ambivalence bumping and brushing up against all that maternal instinct. The love and hate in her was as vast as space- all meteors, no atmosphere."

- Laura Kasischke Quotes

"But, perhaps, I should have known then, I should have known that night, standing in the kitchen, that foul meat in the air- looking back on it now, I see that it was the end and the beginning of something more than dinner. More than ruined appetite, a postponed meal, a marriage strained, a freezer unplugged. I could smell the death between them."

- Laura Kasischke Quotes

"Being female was so hard. Always having to rearrange yourself, to pluck yourself and whittle yourself and deprive yourself and inspect yourself in order to feel comfortable in this world."

- Laura Kasischke Quotes

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